Daily Archives: October 23, 2017

Penn State celebrates International Education Week Oct. 22-27

International Education Week logo

International Education Week (IEW) is an opportunity for the Penn State community to celebrate and promote the benefits of global education and worldwide exchange throughout its colleges, campuses and community organizations.

This year Penn State, sponsored by Global Programs will celebrate IEW week Oct. 22-27, to recognize Penn State’s international students from more than 100 countries around the world, as well as those studying abroad each year. The week-long event takes place in advance of the scheduled national event, a joint initiative of the U.S. State Department and the U.S. Department of Education.

University Libraries will host The Many Faces of Intercultural Dialogue: A Showcase, a free public event to encourage cross-cultural communication between students, faculty and members of the Penn State Community.  Hear from international conversation partner poster presenters and find out more about multicultural resources available for the campus and community. Thursday, Oct. 26, 2:30-4 p.m. Franklin Atrium, Pattee Library and Foster Auditorium, Paterno Library. Learn more here.

A complete listing of all IEW events located across the University Park campus can be found here.

For additional information on this event, or for questions about accommodations or the physical access provided, contact Mark Mattson, global partnerships and outreach librarian, at 814-863-2480 or mam1196@psu.edu in advance of the events.

New services and spaces in Central: Center for Maps & Geospatial Information and Library Learning Services

By: Heather Ross

Join staff from the Center for Maps & Geospatial Information and Library Learning Services on 11/1 from 2:30-3:30 p.m. to explore newly updated spaces and services in W-1 and W-13 Pattee.

The Donald W. Hamer Center for Maps & Geospatial Information (formerly the Maps Library) reflects a reorganization of maps and geospatial personnel and services into 1 Pattee Library. Join us to explore our new space and learn how our staff promotes and facilitates the use of maps and geospatial information in research, teaching and learning at Penn State.

And while you’re there, you can check out the updates to the W13 Pattee classroom. This space has been “refreshed” with new carpet, whiteboards, and flexible tables and chairs. It now includes laptops, Little Bits kits, and mini-whiteboards to provide more options for instructional innovation.

Light refreshments will be served.

Penn State University Press acquires Eisenbrauns as new imprint

By: Cate  Fricke

The Pennsylvania State University Press is pleased to announce that Eisenbrauns is now an imprint of Penn State University Press. This new partnership ensures the continuation of Eisenbrauns’s internationally renowned publishing program and reaffirms PSU Press’s commitment to relevant, foundational scholarship.

Eisenbrauns president Jim Eisenbraun, who founded the publishing organization in 1975, will work as a consultant with PSU Press to guide and expand the imprint. “This partnership will enable the Eisenbrauns publishing program to move forward in a cooperative and very complementary fashion, leveraging the strengths of both organizations to serve the academic community even better,” he says.

The extensive catalog of ancient Near Eastern history, linguistics, archaeology, and biblical studies that Eisenbrauns has amassed will complement PSU Press’s lists in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. “We will be able to further expand our mission in these vital areas of
research,” remarks PSU Press director Patrick H. Alexander, “and will ensure that the invaluable Eisenbrauns publications will continue to serve a global audience.”

Together, Penn State University Press and Eisenbrauns will continue to support and publish scholarship on the ancient Near East and biblical studies for the twenty-first century.

To browse titles and place orders, visit www.eisenbrauns.org

For media inquiries, please contact Cate Fricke at 814.865.1329 or by email at crf16@psu.edu.

Multicultural event encourages dialogues on campus and in community

The Many Faces of Intercultural Dialogue poster. Thursday, Oct. 26, 2:30-4 p.m. in Franklin Atrium

Building connections through shared experience is objective at Oct. 26 event.
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. – Encouraging intercultural dialogues and conversations, the Penn State University Libraries joins three organizations, the Intensive English Communication Program (IECP), English for Professional Purposes Intercultural Center (EPPIC), and Global Connections, for an event to showcase intercultural dialogues facilitated and supported by the three organizations, both on campus and in the community.
“The Many Faces of Intercultural Dialogue” will be held from 2:30 to 4 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 26, in the Franklin Atrium, Pattee Library, on Penn State’s University Park Campus. IECP international students and their Penn State student partners will share posters about what they have learned about each other and their respective cultures during their conversation
partner program.
The event will also serve as a venue for EPPIC and Global Connections to present the many resources and opportunities available for the university and the community. The three groups will share their experiences and ongoing opportunities for intercultural connections with Penn State students, faculty, staff and area residents. Each semester, through the IECP, international and domestic students are paired and together produce a poster that documents what they have learned about each other and themselves during conversations about assigned cultural topics. The international students and domestic partners think about how to portray what they have learned in a short amount of time to a diverse audience.
Questions and feedback from these public poster sessions help the international students develop proficiencies and confidence in non-native spoken interactions while this rewarding experience also engages individuals seeking to develop a deeper intercultural awareness.
Following the brief poster sessions, the students and visitors often continue their conversations, learning about their backgrounds as well as similarities and differences in traditions, families, food and holiday celebrations. The IECP, EPPIC and Global Connections have provided incredible services and support for international students, faculty and families in our area.
In teaching and service, the mission of the IECP is to provide outstanding instruction in academic English communication to adult English language learners so that they can successfully participate in American institutions of higher education.
A community-based, nonprofit organization affiliated with the United Way of Centre County and Penn State, Global Connections serves thousands of individuals and families each year, Global Connections helps foster intercultural understanding to build a strong, inclusive community across cultures in Centre County and beyond.
EPPIC serves the multilingual international community at Penn State through advanced English language and culture support services with intercultural conversation groups, workshops, customized programs and tutoring. 
For additional information on this event, or for questions about accommodations or the physical access provided, contact Mark Mattson, global partnerships and outreach librarian, at 814-863-2480 or mam1196@psu.edu in advance of the event.

Humanities and Social Sciences workshops

By: Heather  Froehlich

Dear All,

I am delighted to invite you to attend a recurring series of Software in the Humanities and Social Sciences Workshops. This series will highlight a range of software and resources used by faculty and staff across the disciplines.

Dates, speakers and the names of resources being presented are below. Please note that that there will be no presentations on November 8 and 22. All presentations will take place in 403 Paterno Library (University Park Campus) on Wednesdays from 12-1 pm; all are welcome. No registration is required.

25 October Austin Boyle – Text Expander

1 November Kaitlin Cannava – DOCTR


15 November Jason Reuscher – Juxta Editions

22 November NO PRESENTATION (Thanksgiving break)

29 November Grant Wythoff – Pandoc

6 December Jake van der Kolk – Github

13 December Lise Nelson – Altas.ti

—- winter break —

24 January Brett Spencer – Ancestry.com

31 January Rick Gilmore – Databrary

7 February Jose Guerrero – OpenRefine

14 February Jenna Spinelle – Upwork

21 February Zhiyue Xia – QGIS

28 February Junjun Yin – Hadoop

7 March Andrew Singer – PGP (pretty good privacy)

14 March Nathan Piekielek – ggplot2

A zoom link will be available from https://psu.zoom.us/j/914950827 for
virtual attendance.

Library Pride roars through a successful first year!

By: Megan  Gilpin

Congratulations to the first cohort of Library Pride Tour guides! In the past 12 months, Library Pride members have provided 18 tours to a variety of Penn State and community groups – that’s just over 200 people to whom we’ve “shown off” our fabulous facility!

If you’re proud of the top-ten ranked library that we call home and want to help show it off, why not join us?  When you join Library Pride, you commit to participating in a  training session with Megan Gilpin, being available (according to your schedule, of course) to give tours of the library through the end of the 2017-18 academic year, and to leading at least 2-3 tours during this time period.

If you are interested in participating in Library Pride, please check with your supervisor or department head, then email Megan Gilpin (mcg13@psu.edu) to set up a training time. Let’s let our Library Pride roar loud and clear this year!


Events: Oct. 23

Fall 2017
Academic calendar information for all campuses is available online.

horizontal exhibit graphic for The Painted Photograph: Selections from the B & H Henisch Photo-History Collection, extended through September 30, 2017, room 201A Pattee Library, displays five black-and-white historic photo portraits and their encased frames


Extended! Now through Saturday, Dec. 8, “The Painted Photograph: Selections from the B. & H. Henisch Photo-History Collection exhibit,” Pattee Library operating hours, Paterno Family Reading Room, 201A Pattee Library, University Park.

book jacket front and back of novel "Sophie's Choice" by William Styron, plus black-and-white photo of author



Through Jan. 7, 2018: “William Styron: Books and Biography” exhibit, guest curator Edwin Erle Sparks Professor of English James L.W. West III, Styron expert and biographer, Eberly Family Special Collections Library Exhibition Room, 104 Paterno Library, University Park.


snowy black and white photo with label in front, text reads "The History of Pattee Library and Paterno Library," exhibit, Aug. 21, 2017 through Jan. 15, 2018, in Pattee Library central entrance exhibit cases and adjacent Sidewater Commons, first floor Pattee Library, University Park.


Through Jan. 15, 2018: “The History of Pattee Library and Paterno Library” exhibitPattee Library’s central entrance exhibit cases and adjacent Sidewater Commons, first floor Pattee Library, University Park.



Tuesday, Oct. 24: Open Textbook Network workshop sessions, faculty must RSVP to Amanda Larson via email to be eligible for $200 stipend (see news release for details), 10 a.m.-noon session for faculty (available University-wide via Mediasite Live), 1:30-3 p.m. session for librarians and instructional designers (available University-wide via Mediasite Live), Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library, University Park.

Tuesday, Oct. 24: Geospatial Analysis:Introduction to working with location data and demographic data, 3:30-4:30 p.m., 302 Paterno Library and online via Zoom.

Wednesday, Oct. 25: “What the Libraries Can Do for You,” library resources talk for Penn State faculty and staff, Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library, University and livestreamed via Mediasite Live.

Tuesday, Oct. 31: Geospatial Online: Overview of Online mapping options (ArcGIS Online and more)3:30-4:30 p.m., 211A Pattee Library and online via Zoom.

Wednesday, Nov. 1: Docunight: Iran via Documentaries, 7 p.m. Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library, University Park.

Sunday–Sunday, Nov. 5-12: Penn State Military Appreciation Week and Homecoming Week.

Monday, Nov. 6–Saturday, Dec. 16: NLM/NIH Traveling Exhibit: Opening Doors: Contemporary African American Surgeons, Life Sciences Library, 4th floor Paterno Library.

Saturday, Nov. 11: Veterans Day.

Monday–Friday, Nov. 13-17: International Education Week, details TBA.

Tuesday, Nov. 14: Penn State GIS Day, 1:30-5 p.m. speakers and lightning talks with 9 a.m.-5 p.m. poster display, Pattee Library and Paterno Library, University Park.

Nov. 19-25: Thanksgiving week break, no classes Nov. 20-24.

Thursday, Nov. 23: Thanksgiving Day holiday.

Wednesday, Dec. 6: Docunight: Iran via Documentaries, 7 p.m. Foster Auditorium, 102 Paterno Library, University Park.

Friday, Dec. 8: Last day of fall classes. 

Sunday–Tuesday, Dec. 10-12: De-Stress Fest, University Park locations.

Tuesday, Dec. 12: Tech Update, by I-Tech, 10-11 a.m., Mann Assembly Room, 103 Paterno Library, University Park.

Tuesday–Wednesday, Dec. 12-20: Hanukkah.

Saturday, Dec. 16: Fall commencement, University Park and other Penn State campuses; details and speaker information at multiple Penn State campuses TBA in December.

Please submit event information — and all Library News submissions — to Public Relations and Marketing via the Library News submission form.