Daily Archives: February 8, 2021

Libraries’ Wellness Days resources and events

By Sara Jimenez Rincon


Feb. 9, 2020- Financial and Occupational Wellness

Tomorrow (Feb. 9) is the first of the University’s Spring 2021 thematic Wellness Days! On these days, no classes will be held, but special programming geared toward improving your wellbeing will be offered. Though the programming will span a range of topics throughout the three Wellness Days, Feb. 9 is focused on programming to enhance your financial and occupational wellbeing. Below are Libraries’ sponsored events and supplemental resources to find your healthiest self.

Crip Camp Documentary Watch Party (8am since film starts at 10am)
Join The Office of the Vice Provost for Educational Equity’s (OVPEE) Diversability Committee for a watch party of the documentary Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution. This film tells the story of a group of teen campers from the 1970s who were inspired to join the fight for disability civil rights. Learn more and register here.

Personal Finance Basics – Financial Literacy – Library Guides at Penn State University (psu.edu)
This personal finance basics subject guide brings together information on everything from credit cards to investing your money. Make sure to explore the websites, books, and podcasts that have been selected by our subject librarians!

Financial literacy for Generation Z: a practical guide to managing your financial life / Kenneth O. Doyle., PhD – Penn State University Libraries Catalog (psu.edu)
Interested in learning about how financial psychology and planning can help you achieve your long-term goals? Check out this guide by Dr. Kenneth O. Doyle that teaches you how to make good financial decisions throughout your life!

Ask a Librarian -this could be the last post of the day. https://libraries.psu.edu/ask
Don’t forget you can ask a librarian any questions you have about financial literacy and occupational wellness! Use the chat feature or text the number on the Libraries website, or email askalibrarian@psu.edu.

Student Loans – Financial Literacy – Library Guides at Penn State University (psu.edu)
Get some advice on paying for college in this library guide! Several books and websites can help you navigate the world of student loans and other forms of financial aid.

Career Wellness | Healthy Penn State (psu.edu) – student blog
Ever wondered what career wellness really means? Penn State student Michelle Mehallow outlines its definition and its importance in her blog post for Healthy Penn State. Take a look at it here: https://sites.psu.edu/healthypennstate/2017/07/31/career-wellness/

Career Exploration & Guidance – Career Resources – Library Guides at Penn State University (psu.edu)
Penn State University Libraries has curated several resources to help you select a career. This library guide also contains information about resumes, interviewing, and salaries, all geared toward enhancing your occupational wellness.

The Informed Consumer Series- A Penn State Libraries Initiative
This blog, written by finance student Alyssa Leavens in collaboration with various librarians, relays financial information and education on information literacy. Take a look at the season-specific financial tips that can make thinking about money less scary and empower you to make financial decisions! https://sites.psu.edu/financialeducation/2019/01/16/spring-2019-blog-1-new-year-in-the-know/

Workshop – Digital Wellness Workshop – Library Guides at Penn State University (psu.edu)
The Libraries offers a Digital Wellness Workshop to help you understand how your digital habits can impact your personal wellbeing. Through a series of self-reflective exercises, this Workshop can teach you how to align your priorities, habits, and goals so that you can best take care of yourself in this increasingly digital time. https://guides.libraries.psu.edu/Berks/DigitalWellness

Maps and Geospatial Webinars & Virtual Student Office Hours 

By: Tara Anthony

This spring semester the Donald W. Hamer Center for Maps and Geospatial Information is hosting webinars on GIS, mapping, and geospatial data, along with specific sessions focused on ArcGIS Story Maps, ArcGIS Online applications, and QGIS. In addition to scheduling individualized consultations, there are also virtual student office hours. Please see below for information on webinars and share with interested individuals and respective departments. 

Working with Geospatial Data, GIS, and Mapping Projects 
Date: 3/3/2021, 3-4pm  
Zoom Registration 
Presenter: Tara Anthony, GIS Specialist  

This session will introduce participants to geospatial data from U.S. and international sources, along with information on geospatial software access at Penn State including ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS ArcMap, and ArcGIS Pro. A highlight of online geospatial resources available to will be included. Additional resources will be provided to help participants manage geospatial projects.  

Introduction to ArcGIS Online and Story Maps 
Date: 3/17/2021, 3-4pm  
Zoom Registration 
Presenter: Tara Anthony, GIS Specialist  

This session will provide an introduction to ArcGIS Online available through the Penn State ArcGIS Online account. Users authenticate with Penn State credentials to access geospatial data from authoritative sources, user-generated content, and to create their own content. An overview of web map and Story Map applications will be highlighted.  

Leveraging ArcGIS Applications: ArcGIS Business Analyst, ArcGIS Experience Builder, and ArcGIS Hub for showcasing projects, maps, and data 
Date: 3/24/2021, 3-4pm  
Zoom Registration 
Presenter:  Tara Anthony, GIS Specialist  

This session provides examples of ArcGIS applications available through the Penn State ArcGIS Online Organizational Account. The applications to focus on this session include ArcGIS Business Analyst, ArcGIS Experience Builder, and ArcGIS Hub. ArcGIS Business Analyst enables users to explore demographics, charts, and infographics for locations. ArcGIS Experience Builder enables users to create visual content surrounding maps, narrative, images, and media using multiple types of templates. ArcGIS Hub enables the user to create a site with map and embedded map applications with content from ArcGIS Online.  

Introduction to QGIS: (Part 1/2) 
Date: 4/20, 1-2pm  
Zoom Registration 
Presenter: Jae Sung Kim, Open Source Geospatial Analyst  

QGIS instruction for beginners in QGIS. The objectives are 1) to be familiarized with QGIS, 2) to learn the most basic GIS concepts. The topics will include installation of QGIS, QGIS Interface, projection, creation of vector data, and geoprocessing of vector data.  

Introduction to QGIS (Part 2/2) 
Date: 4/21, 1-2pm  
Zoom Registration 
Presenter: Jae Sung Kim, Open Source Geospatial Analyst  

QGIS instruction for beginners in QGIS. The objectives are 1) to be familiarized with QGIS, 2) to learn the most basic GIS concepts. The topics will include overview of raster, raster analysis, georeferencing of raster, creating maps, and use of web map services.  

Maps and Geospatial Virtual Student Office Hours 
Dates: 3/12/2021, 3/31/2021, 4/13/2021, 4/28/2021, 1-2pm  
Zoom Link 
Presenter: Tara Anthony, GIS Specialist  

Students are welcome to drop-in during virtual student office hours to discuss maps and geospatial projects using GIS software, maps, and/or geospatial content.

Customer Service Tip: Acknowledge and refocus

By: Jeff Toister (submitted by Carmen Gass)

Taking ownership is sometimes confused with being blamed, but it’s really about accepting responsibility for solving a problem.

A great way to take ownership (and defuse any anger) is through the Acknowledge and Refocus technique:
* Acknowledge the problem or service failure. This conveys empathy and helps the customer feel valued.
* Refocus on a solution. Being solution-oriented prevents you from getting stuck on discussing blame and will give your customer the confidence that you are here to help.

Sound too easy? Here’s two ways it can go wrong if you aren’t careful:
1. You say, “I’m sorry” but your customer doesn’t feel acknowledged. Be sure your tone and body language convey just as much empathy as your words.

2. You get stuck playing the ‘blame game’. It’s easier than you think. Phrases like “Who told you that?” or “Well, I didn’t do that!” are good signs that you are playing the ‘blame game’ rather than focusing on a solution!

Tech Tip: Outlook — Add buffer time between appointments / meeting

By: Ryan Johnson

A new feature in Outlook 2016 with an Office 365 subscription allows you to add buffer time between appointments and meetings. This is an awesome new feature. You can use that time to check in with your team, get coffee, and answer critical emails.

November 2018 was the release date for this new feature.

To turn on End Appointments & Meetings Early in the Outlook Desktop Client:

  1. Click File – Options.
  2. Click Calendar on the left.
  3. Under Calendar Options, select Shorten Appointments and Meetings.
  4. Change the times for meeting less than 1 hour and meetings for over 1 hour.  Click OK.

Outlook options screenshot for tech tip

To adjust these settings for Outlook on the web

  1. Click Settings then select View all Outlook Settings
  2. Select Calendar -> Events and Invitations.
  3. Under events you create check the box for Shorten duration for all events.
  4. Change the times that you prefer and click Save.

Outlook options screenshot for tech tip