Maps and Geospatial Webinars & Virtual Student Office Hours 

By: Tara Anthony

This spring semester the Donald W. Hamer Center for Maps and Geospatial Information is hosting webinars on GIS, mapping, and geospatial data, along with specific sessions focused on ArcGIS Story Maps, ArcGIS Online applications, and QGIS. In addition to scheduling individualized consultations, there are also virtual student office hours. Please see below for information on webinars and share with interested individuals and respective departments. 

Working with Geospatial Data, GIS, and Mapping Projects 
Date: 3/3/2021, 3-4pm  
Zoom Registration 
Presenter: Tara Anthony, GIS Specialist  

This session will introduce participants to geospatial data from U.S. and international sources, along with information on geospatial software access at Penn State including ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS ArcMap, and ArcGIS Pro. A highlight of online geospatial resources available to will be included. Additional resources will be provided to help participants manage geospatial projects.  

Introduction to ArcGIS Online and Story Maps 
Date: 3/17/2021, 3-4pm  
Zoom Registration 
Presenter: Tara Anthony, GIS Specialist  

This session will provide an introduction to ArcGIS Online available through the Penn State ArcGIS Online account. Users authenticate with Penn State credentials to access geospatial data from authoritative sources, user-generated content, and to create their own content. An overview of web map and Story Map applications will be highlighted.  

Leveraging ArcGIS Applications: ArcGIS Business Analyst, ArcGIS Experience Builder, and ArcGIS Hub for showcasing projects, maps, and data 
Date: 3/24/2021, 3-4pm  
Zoom Registration 
Presenter:  Tara Anthony, GIS Specialist  

This session provides examples of ArcGIS applications available through the Penn State ArcGIS Online Organizational Account. The applications to focus on this session include ArcGIS Business Analyst, ArcGIS Experience Builder, and ArcGIS Hub. ArcGIS Business Analyst enables users to explore demographics, charts, and infographics for locations. ArcGIS Experience Builder enables users to create visual content surrounding maps, narrative, images, and media using multiple types of templates. ArcGIS Hub enables the user to create a site with map and embedded map applications with content from ArcGIS Online.  

Introduction to QGIS: (Part 1/2) 
Date: 4/20, 1-2pm  
Zoom Registration 
Presenter: Jae Sung Kim, Open Source Geospatial Analyst  

QGIS instruction for beginners in QGIS. The objectives are 1) to be familiarized with QGIS, 2) to learn the most basic GIS concepts. The topics will include installation of QGIS, QGIS Interface, projection, creation of vector data, and geoprocessing of vector data.  

Introduction to QGIS (Part 2/2) 
Date: 4/21, 1-2pm  
Zoom Registration 
Presenter: Jae Sung Kim, Open Source Geospatial Analyst  

QGIS instruction for beginners in QGIS. The objectives are 1) to be familiarized with QGIS, 2) to learn the most basic GIS concepts. The topics will include overview of raster, raster analysis, georeferencing of raster, creating maps, and use of web map services.  

Maps and Geospatial Virtual Student Office Hours 
Dates: 3/12/2021, 3/31/2021, 4/13/2021, 4/28/2021, 1-2pm  
Zoom Link 
Presenter: Tara Anthony, GIS Specialist  

Students are welcome to drop-in during virtual student office hours to discuss maps and geospatial projects using GIS software, maps, and/or geospatial content.