By: Jackie Dillon-Fast
The Diversity Week planning committee is hard at work crafting a week of diverse speakers and virtual events for the 2021 Diversity Week, May 17 – 21, 2021!
Here’s one of the upcoming scheduled events:
We invite you to “listen in” and engage in a discussion of Allison Maxwell’s book Listen In: Crucial Conversations on Race in the Workplace. This intriguing work of business fiction picks up where research and scorecards leave off. It follows five African American characters as they exchange personal experiences that happen behind the research, data, and attempts at best practices. You will meet a curious CEO who overhears one of their conversations and blazes a trail to accelerate progress on the diversity goals his company has been struggling with for years.
[Please note: This event requires early pre-registration to allow for time to order print copies of the books and to allow you adequate reading time. To receive a print copy of the book, you
must register by Friday March 19, 2021. Registration is capped at 20 participants.]
Register here.