Library 101: Leveling up your library knowledge

By: Hailley Fargo

We are pleased to announce our Library 101 lineup of presenters. This series will start Tuesday, March 23 and we have a great lineup of topics to share with our library student employees.
Please share this information with student employees you work with or supervise. For more information, check out our Intranet page which includes Zoom registration links. Please make sure to sign up in advance for the Zoom link!

Our topics will be:

March 23: How do I fit within the Libraries’ Organizational Structure?
Take a dive into the Libraries’ organizational chart to learn more about where your position fits and how we work across departments and campuses. Learn more about what other reporting
lines do and how their interests and strengths connect with your work within the Libraries.

March 30: Libraries’ Assessment with Steve Borrelli
Learn more about the role of Libraries’ Assessment and how they use data to inform our decision-making process. We will also talk about how student employees can help support the work of this department.

April 6: Demystifying LionSearch and the Catalog with Ruth Tillman and Binky Lush
Join this session as we pull back the figurative curtain on how LionSearch and the Catalog work. Knowing how these systems work and interact can be crucial when assisting patrons and doing your own research!

April 13: Special Collections with Rachael Dreyer, Julie Porterfield, and Heidi Moyer
Learn more about our Special Collections Library including what materials we have, how we find them, who uses them, and more!

If you have questions about the series, please get in touch with Hailley Fargo (hmf14) and Rachel White (rhw135).