Daily Archives: March 29, 2021

Tech Tip: Create an alert to get notified when a file or folder changes in SharePoint

By: Ryan Johnson

To stay updated when your Microsoft SharePoint documents or items on your site change, create alerts. You can set up an alert for a list, library, folder, file, or list item. For example, you can set up an alert for a specific folder in a library, without receiving alerts when changes occur in the rest of the library.

Get alerts on item changes in SharePoint

You can get an alert whenever a file, link, or folder is changed in a SharePoint document library. Depending on the item (file, folder, link), you may see different options when you set an alert.

  1. Go to the list or library.
  2. Select the file, link, or folder for which you want to get an alert.
  3. From the list of options for the list or library, select the  (ellipses), and then select Alert Me.
  4. In the Alert me when items change dialog, select and change the options you want.
  5. To save, select OK.

Get alerts on all changes in a document library in SharePoint

  1. Go to the list or library and make sure no items are selected.
  2. From the list of options for the list or library, select the  (ellipses), and then select Alert Me.
  3. In the Alert me when items change dialog, change or fill in the options you want.
  4. Select OK.

Customer Service Tip: Empathy is a powerful de-escalation tool

By: Myra Golden (submitted by Carmen Gass)

Many people are surprised when I bring up empathy in my de-escalation workshops. They’re looking for hard-hitting tools and frameworks to help them bring down the temperature in interactions with customers. But empathy? How does this soft skill fit in?

Empathy helps you come across as a compassionate, non-judgmental listener. With customers in intense situations, empathy helps you begin the de-escalation process. Read more here.