Monthly Archives: March 2021

Customer Service Tip: How to get other departments to care about customers

By: Jeff Toister (submitted by Carmen Gass)

Do you ever feel like employees in other departments don’t care about customers?

Years ago, I worked for a company that sold uniforms embroidered with clients’ logos. My job was providing customer service and growing sales.

Getting new uniforms produced and shipped involved a lot of other departments. Many created frustrating customer service problems that cost us business.

Shipping delays
Quality issues
Billing errors

It was frustrating, because people in these departments didn’t seem to care.

One day, a chance encounter in the cafeteria completely changed my perspective. Read more here.

Tech Tip: Make sure Box migration data is synced in OneDrive to your computer

By: Ryan Johnson

With the Box to OneDrive migration now complete, you can now move folders out of the Box Migration Data folder if desired.

If you use OneDrive through File Explorer on PC, you may need to add the Box Migration data folder to your synced folders on your computer and OneDrive.

To do this, follow the instructions below:

Right-Click the OneDrive icon and select Settings.

OneDrive settings screenshot

Next, make sure you are in the Account tab and click Choose folders

OneDrive settings screenshot

From here you can choose which files are synced to your computer.

OneDrive "chooseFolders" screenshot

Please note: You may want to review what files and folders sizes are synced to your computer since this will use hard drive space on your computer in addition to saving to the cloud. 

You can uncheck what folders or subfolders you don’t need synced.

OneDrive settings screenshot

Click OK when finished.