Tech Tip: Forwarding Outlook email messages as an attachment

By: Ryan Johnson

How do I forward email messages as an attachment?

A common reason to forward messages as an attachment is to report suspected phishing email.  Forwarding as an attachment preserves helpful diagnostic information, which is lost when simply forwarding the email.

Outlook on the Web 

  • Click the + New message button to create a new message.
  • Find the message that you want to send as an attachment, click on it, and drag it over to the message body of the new message.
  • Enter relevant information in the ToSubject, and Body of the message.
  • Click Send.

Outlook Desktop Client (Windows)

  • In the Message List, select the message you wish to forward.
  • Press the CtrlAlt, and F keys, simultaneously.  A new message will open with an attached message.
  • Enter relevant information in the ToSubject, and Body of the message.
  • Click Send.

Outlook Desktop Client (Mac)

  • In the Message List, select the message you wish to forward.
  • Right click on the message (Press and hold the “Control” button while clicking).  A menu will open.
  • Click on Forward Special.
  • Select, As Attachment.  A new message will open with an attached message.
  • Enter relevant information in the ToSubject, and Body of the message.
  • Click Send.