By: Ryan Johnson
What Equipment does Library Strategic Technologies provide for employees working at home, hybrid or working in the office.
General Stipulations:
- Due to security and data protection, employees are expected to use University/Library equipment to do their work from home.
- Employees are only provided one computer.
- Employee must provide reliable internet that meets the needs of their work.
- Employees may have a full computer set in one place – not both.
- Cables and connections used to connect personal equipment to work equipment is the responsibility of the employee. Technical support for these setups is limited.
- Printers, scanners and other peripherals will not be provided at home.
Employees who work exclusively at home or with limited time (1 day or less per week) at a Libraries worksite:
- Complete set up at home with computer (laptop), docking station if needed, and up to two 24”monitors.
- Hybrid work/personal setups will not be supported. Cables and connections are the responsibility of the employee. Technical support for these setups is limited.
- No computer set up will be provided at Libraries worksites. Employees may bring their laptop with them and use space that is provided by their department as touchdown space. Strat-Tech will have a limited number of laptops available for employees to borrow for short time periods.
- Printers and other peripherals will only be provided to employees who have a documented need due to their job functions. This request must be made by their Library/Department Head and approved by Libraries IT. Printing to network printers located at Libraries worksites from home is available using a Global Protect. Most paperwork can be printed to pdf and emailed or placed in a shared folder.
Employees who work exclusively at a Libraries worksite or with limited time (1 day or less per week) at home:
- Complete set up at the Libraries worksite with computer (laptop or desktop), docking station if needed, and up to two 24” monitors.
- No computer set up will be provided at home. Employees may bring their laptop with them to use at home wirelessly. Library IT will have a limited number of laptops available for employees to borrow for short time periods.
- Printers and other peripherals will not be provided at home. Printing to network printers located at a Libraries worksite from home is available using Global Protect. Most paperwork can be printed to pdf and emailed or placed in a shared folder.
Employees who work equally at a Libraries worksite and at home (2-3 days per week at each location):
- Complete set up at one location with computer (laptop), docking station if needed, and up to two 24” monitors.
- Employee may keep one of their monitors at each location or both at one location.
- Employees may bring their laptop between the two locations. Libraries IT will have a limited number of laptops available for employees to borrow for short time periods.
- Hybrid work/personal setups will not be supported. Cables and connections are the responsibility of the employee. Technical support for these setups is limited.
- Printers and other peripherals will not be provided at home. Printing to network printers located at a Libraries worksite from home is available using Global Protect. Most paperwork can be printed to pdf and emailed or placed in a shared folder.