Tag Archives: floating collection

How to determine a floating book’s location

By Trish Notartomas

Now that 19 campus libraries participate in the floating collection initiative and 950,000 items have the potential to float, you need to modify your thinking when interpreting Workflows item records. In order to determine where a BOOKFLOAT item “lives” at any particular time, look beyond the home location to the call/item library. You can no longer rely solely on the home location.

In this example, the home location (STACKS-YK) only represents the item’s original owning library. The call/item library denotes that York’s copy of this book has floated to Fayette. (click on image for a larger picture)

floating screenshotIn The CAT, there is no confusion. The book is in Fayette’s stacks.

floating screenshot again

Tip: BOOKFLOAT items are monographs and found only in STACKS-XX locations.

For additional information, please refer to Training Bulletin #31.

Floating Collection after a full semester in operation

By Barbara Coopey, assistant head, Access Services

Spring 2013 was the first semester with floating collection in production at 19 campus libraries.  965,046 monographs were converted from BOOK to the BOOKFLOAT item type during the transition to a floating collection. This number will continue to increase as new books added to the general stacks areas of the campus libraries are assigned the BOOKFLOAT item type during the acquisition process.

Approximately 5,000 BOOKFLOAT items have the potential to float because they are currently checked out to users where the user’s campus library doesn’t match the item’s library. For example, Mont Alto users have 11 Hazleton books. As books are checked out and returned among the 19 libraries, the number of floating books on the shelf at a particular library is constantly changing.
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Floating collection at 19 campus libraries

By Barbara Coopey

Abington, Altoona, Beaver, Berks, Brandywine, DuBois, New Kensington, Wilkes Barre, and Worthington Scranton campus libraries migrated to Floating Collection production on February 20, 2013. There are now around one million monographs with a BOOKFLOAT item type in the stacks locations of 19 campus libraries. Currently, over 3,000 floating books are being shelved at a floating library where a user returned them instead of being shipped back to the library of origin. Continue reading