Tag Archives: late night

Expanded hours and services for finals

Penn State University Libraries are expanding hours and services to help students with end of the semester research and finals study needs.

Pattee and Paterno Libraries will open Sunday, December 8, 10 a.m. for continuous 24-hour service until closing Friday, December 20, 7 p.m. This includes the Tombros and McWhirter Knowledge Commons on the first and ground floors of Pattee Library, west and ground floor central.

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‘While You Are Sleeping’ overnight services

By Chris Holobar, manager, Lending and Reserve Services

Although we’ve provided 24/5 overnight service in Pattee Library since 2006, the services provided and duties performed by our overnight staff have significantly expanded over the past two years. From midnight to 7:45 a.m., M-F, Access Services now staffs five service desks, including Commons Services, the Knowledge Commons, and the three Welcome desks on the first and ground floors of Pattee, and we offer the same services that are provided throughout the day:

  • Checkout of holds, ILL, media, equipment and course reserves
  • Basic general reference, including online chat
  • Borrower account assistance like renewals and fee payment
  • Group study room reservations Continue reading