Tag Archives: united way

Libraries’ United Way hoagie sale for June 1

illustration to promote hoagie sale on June 1The University Libraries’ United Way Committee will sell hoagies to supplement the snacks and drinks available in the Mann Assembly Room, 103 Paterno Library, for those individuals participating in Discovery Day. The delicious hoagies are also available to those who wish to order for lunch on June 1. All proceeds benefit the Centre County United Way.

Selections available:
Roast Beef
Three Cheese

7” hoagies are $4.50, 12” hoagies are $7.50

Order your hoagie at http://tinyurl.com/psulibshoagiesale by noon on May 22.

Money is due June 1Please pay by cash or check. Make all checks out to Amy Miller and send them to Donna Dean in 126 Paterno Library.

If you anticipate needing any type of accommodation or have questions about the physical access provided, please e-mail ul-discovery-day-cmte@lists.psu.edu in advance.

Payroll deduction forms for United Way

United Way payroll deduction forms — which allow you to make a pretax contribution to the United Way— are now available. Payroll deductions are the bread and butter of the campaign, providing a stable source of income for the United Way and its 38 partner agencies. Funds raised through payroll deduction are guaranteed funds that the United Way can count on coming in throughout the year. While the special events are fun, they only make up a small percentage of our fundraising goal.

As always, you may designate how your money can be used by selecting (or deselecting) agencies or sending your donation to another county. Undesignated funds are best since they go where the need is, but the choice is yours.

The need in Centre County for assistance is increasing, and with that increase in need, our goals and the amount we need to raise has increased as well. The Libraries and Penn State have both set goals to raise the funds needed by our community.

  • Libraries – $21,000
  • PSU – $832,000
  • Centre County United Way – $2.2 million

Last year you answered the call in true Libraries fashion by donating $21,014.00 through payroll deductions and $3,201 through special events like book and hoagie sales for a total of $24,215! Thank you!  Although we met our goal, the University fell short of its goal.

This year we challenge you again to:

  • Increase your giving by just a dollar per month – An additional $12 per year may not seem like much to you, but when you add that up across the entire community, it really makes a difference!
  • Start donating if you haven’t in the past – Last year only 22% of Library employees participated in the payroll deduction program. This is down from 28% from just five years ago.

If you didn’t get an envelope with a payroll deduction form, please contact Ann Kopesky (ask190).

Thank you for supporting the United Way!
– submitted by Heather Ross, United Way Committee co-chair

United Way payroll deduction forms are available

United Way payroll deduction forms — which allow you to make a pretax contribution to the United Way— are now available. Payroll deductions are the bread and butter of the campaign, providing a stable source of income for the United Way and its 38 partner agencies. Funds raised through payroll deduction are guaranteed funds that the United Way can count on coming in throughout the year. While the special events are fun, they only make up a small percentage of our fundraising goal.

As always, you may designate how your money can be used by selecting (or deselecting) agencies or sending your donation to another county. Undesignated funds are best since they go where the need is, but the choice is yours.

The need in Centre County for assistance is increasing, and with that increase in need, our goals and the amount we need to raise has increased as well. The Libraries and Penn State have both set goals to raise the funds needed by our community.

  • Libraries – $21,000
  • PSU – $832,000
  • Centre County United Way – $2.2 million

Last year you answered the call in true Libraries fashion by donating $21,014.00 through payroll deductions and $3,201 through special events like book and hoagie sales for a total of $24,215! Thank you!  Although we met our goal, the University fell short of its goal.

This year we challenge you again to:

  • Increase your giving by just a dollar per month – An additional $12 per year may not seem like much to you, but when you add that up across the entire community, it really makes a difference!
  • Start donating if you haven’t in the past – Last year only 22% of Library employees participated in the payroll deduction program. This is down from 28% from just five years ago.

If you didn’t get an envelope with a payroll deduction form, please contact Ann Kopesky (ask190).

Thank you for supporting the United Way!
– submitted by Heather Ross, United Way Committee co-chair

Upcoming United Way opportunities

As the University Libraries strives to meet its United Way goal, a number of opportunities to contribute to the United Way are coming up in the next few weeks. Please take a moment to note the deadlines for orders or to donate handmade items to the Arts and Crafts sale.

All proceeds from these opportunities benefit the Centre County United Way and our local community. For employees at campus locations, please consider donating to your local campaign. If you have questions, please contact your local United Way representative.

Fall Arts and Craft Sale Dec. 1
The United Way University Libraries Fall Arts and Craft Sale will be held from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 1 in the Mann Assembly Room, 103 Paterno Library.

This sale is a great place to find those unique and reasonably priced holiday gifts and to see the awesome items your coworkers make!

Donations for the craft sale are currently being accepted and we are in need of items made by you! Any craft donation will be appreciated with with hats, scarves, blankets, dishcloths, scrubbies, mittens, socks, paintings, photography and jewelry among the popular items. Donations can be given to Amy Miller (arm107) in 107 Pattee Library (Common Services).

The University Library 2017 Calendar and Sheetz coupon books will also be available for purchase at the sale. Sheetz coupons may also be ordered online through this form: https://goo.gl/forms/S0FNKWAQqJI9rCnu2.

United Way Libraries clothing sale
A selection of University Libraries clothing items are available through this annual United Way sale. Navy blue t-shirts with with the “chemical element” design in white ink and a rainbow tie-dye t-shirt with Libraries color logo are offered with various embroidered polo shirts, fleece jackets and sweatshirts.

Both t-shirt designs feature screen printing, but all other items are navy blue and embroidered the new University libraries logo. All embroidered clothing comes in men’s and women’s sizes with the exception of the hoodie (unisex). For more information or to place an order, check out this link: https://goo.gl/forms/zqey3nBrOHnvDCaM2.

Below are the price ranges for the items (2XL-4XL have higher prices), so please see the order form for exact pricing.

Navy blue “chemical element” t-shirt – $10-$13
University Libraries logo tie-dye t-shirt – $16-$20
Hoodie – $36-$39
Polo shirts (men and women) – $34-$38
Fleece jacket (men and women) – $37-$42
Wicking jacket – $44-$49
Cardigan (men’s only) – $52-$57
Cardigan (women’s only) – $34-$39

The deadline for clothing orders is noon on Tuesday, Nov. 29. Payment is due by the delivery date of Wednesday, Dec. 14. Cash or checks are accepted (please make checks out to Amy Miller) and send all payments to Donna Dean in 126 Paterno LIbrary.

2017 Library Calendars on sale now
The United Way 2017 University Libraries Calendar, featuring photographs from many campuses by University Libraries employees from across the Commonwealth, are on sale now! Calendars are $15 each. Pre-orders may be picked up at the craft sale on Thursday, Dec., 1 or they can be mailed to your location. Additional copies will be available for purchase at the craft sale.

Our print vendor provided a PDF preview of the 2017 University Libraries calendar which may be accessed here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/10xl92b7y3uzlf5/UW2017forPreview.pdf?dl=0.

Orders may be submitted here: https://goo.gl/forms/PcXd1EtO3nOdxhLr1.

Cash or checks for calendar orders are accepted (please make checks out to Amy Miller) and send all payments to Donna Dean in 126 Paterno LIbrary.

– submitted by Amy Miller and Heather Ross, United Way Committee co-chairs


United Way Craft Sale

The United Way Fall Arts and Craft Sale is only a few weeks away, Please mark your calendars for Tuesday December 3, from 11 a.m. – 4 p.m.,  in the Mann Assembly Room.

Once again we are pleased to announce that some of our wonderful library staff have made a quilt  (see below, or view it in person on 2 Paterno). 

quilt - blue and white

The finished product…many library employees collaborated on this beautiful quilt, and you can buy chances to win it from any United Way committee member. Photo by Laura Ax-Fultz.

Continue reading

United Way Arts and Craft Sale on Dec. 3

Submitted by Amy Miller

Save the date: The United Way Fall Arts and Craft Sale is on Tuesday, December 3, from 11 a.m.–4 p.m., in the Mann Assembly Room.

As usual we are collecting all kinds of handmade crafts, including knit, crochet, needlework (embroidery, cross stitch,etc) , photography, woodworking, jewelry, and paintings. We are also collecting plants.

We also need supplies, so clean out those craft rooms and bring us your yarn, fabric, paints, needles and hooks, brushes, beads, stickers, stamps, clay, books, patterns — anything craft related and we will take it. Continue reading

United Way 50/50 Raffle Extended: Ends 2 pm Today

Help University Park Libraries meet the Centre County United Way goal. 

Before 2 p.m. today, Monday, January 21, buy a 50/50 ticket. 
Half the money raised goes to one lucky winner and that could be you. Previous winners won $276 and $183!! 
Tickets are: 
  • 2 for $2 
  • 6 for $5 
  • 20 for $10 (Best Value) 
To buy tickets please see one the members of the United Way Committee Amy Miller (ILL/Lending), Heather Ross (Social Sciences), Bonnie Osif (Engineering), Erica Noel (Lending), Robert Freeborn (Tech Services, Cataloging), Donna Dean (Tech Services, Cat Marking), Ashoo Kumar (NML), Melody Gehlbach (Access Services, 2nd Floor Paterno), Brian Beer (PSU Press), Jaimie Jamison (Tech Services, Electronic Resources).

United Way 50/50 Raffle

Submitted by Amy Miller

The Libraries United Way Committee is conducting a 50/50 Raffle. Half of the funds raised by buying tickets will go to one lucky winner! It could be you! Previous winners won $276 and $183!!

Tickets are:

  • 2 for $2
  • 6 for $5
  • 20 for $10 (Best Value)

Tickets are on sale until Friday morning 1/18. Drawing will be at noon.

Contact any member of the committee to buy tickets: Amy Miller (ILL/Lending), Heather Ross (Social Sciences), Bonnie Osif (Engineering), Erica Noel (Lending), Robert Freeborn (Tech Services, Cataloging), Donna Dean (Tech Services, Cat Marking), Ashoo Kumar (NML), Melody Gehlbach (Access Services, 2nd Floor Paterno), Brian Beer (Penn State Press), and Jaimie Jamison (Tech Services, Electronic Resources).

If you are not in Pattee or Paterno Libraries, the Engineering Library or Penn State Press and would like to buy tickets, contact me and I will send you the two part tickets, and you will return one set of tickets with your money. arm107@psu.edu Thanks as always for supporting the United Way.