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Speaker on Resilience and Poverty: Dr. Margaret Mbindyo

Yesterday, I had the wonderful good fortune to be introduced to Dr. Margaret Mbindyo of Millersville University (Thank you, Dr. Dzubak!) Her PSU doctoral thesis (2011) is entitled: Relationship Between Academic Resilience and College Success: Cross-National Experiences Of Low Income/First Generation Students investigates the question why some students are able to overcome challenges while others cannot. Her own journey from poverty in Kenya to her doctorate at PSU is a testament to her own resilience and a driving force behind the message she shares so enthusiastically with students and colleagues: namely  that with hard work, personal, social, and institutional support, and with a desire to move forward, all students can grow in their ability to be more resilient through the challenges they face.

It was a pleasure to talk about this project with her and she has graciously agreed to come to campus to speak with our students on Wednesday November 29th!

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