Stephanie Vásquez and Gabriela Moya(Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas-ESPE) designed an Elbow and Wrist Rehabilitation Prototype for the first and second phases of rehabilitation.
Archive | 2014
BMR Racecar: Toy Car Adaptor Kit for Children with Impaired Mobility (University of Memphis)
Bradley Bomar, Michael Mullins, Monica Rawson Abstract: Young children with motor limitations, such as cerebral palsy, may have hindered cognitive development at an early age due to limited experiences and mobility. Stimulating their learning and allowing exploration through independent mobility is needed to grow strong neuron pathways at their young stage in life. Our design […]
The EdemaBand (North Carolina State University)
ABSTRACT The EdemaBand is a class II medical device that empowers patients with congestive heart failure to manage their condition at home. Using an array of textile electrodes on a form-fitting band, the device measures bioimpedance to determine changes in one of the most prevalent symptoms of congestive heart failure: pulmonary edema. Decreases in bioimpedance indicate […]
Client-Centered Design of an Ice Hockey Sled (University of Pittsburgh)
Anand Mhatre, Herbert Hill, Kalai Tsang, David Smeresky, Ashlee McKeon, Thomas Bowers, Elaine Houston, Greta Brecheisen, Dan Osaque, Sarah Bass Abstract Our client desires to return to fully participating in the sport of sled. He has hemiparesis on his right side in addition to carpel tunnel and a shoulder injury and therefore, struggles to attain […]
Backpack Retriever (University of British Columbia)
Manmohan Daid, Nija Devadas, Eric Moutal, Taruna Thawani, Jensen Yiu Abstract Electric wheelchair users with limited range of motion often struggle to access their backpacks. The current market does not offer any inexpensive products to help with this issue. The vision of the design team is to create an economical and easily available mechanism that […]
Wheelchair Dog-Walker (Duke University)
Adam Nolte, Alicia Li, Victoria Li, Jessica Ordax Abstract Individuals that are dependent on a wheelchair for mobility often have trouble walking their dogs. The goal of this project was to create an easily removable wheelchair attachment to facilitate dog walking. The Wheelchair Dog Walker (WDW) device consists […]
Muscle Development Scooter (University of Toledo)
George Blankenship, Rick Heilshorn, Michael Cunningham, Scott Thieman Abstract Cerebral palsy is a central motor dysfunction that affects muscle tone, posture and movement. Spastic cerebral palsy is the most common type of cerebral palsy. The patient is hypertonic and has mobility impairment. Treatment for this type of cerebral palsy include medications such as baclofen which […]
Motion Path Analysis Tool for Cerebral Palsy Patients (Rice University)
Shaurya Agarwal, Allison Garza, Sonia Garcia, Vivaswath Kumar, Andrew Schober ABSTRACT Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a congenital non-progressive disorder that causes physical disabilities in motor development through damage to the motor control centers of the brain, and affects over 10,000 infants each year. The disability most commonly affects […]
SnapCut, A Cutting Tool to Assist Users Who Have Limited Function of One of Their Hands (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Olivia Davis ABSTRACT Sometimes we take advantage of the ease and accessibility that comes with having two arms and two hands. We tend to design with the assumption that our users have complete function as well, but with research and I have found that we should start designing more with empathy and consideration of the […]
The Dynamic Overall Lifestyle Performance INstrument (DOLPHIN) – (Duke University)
ABSTRACT The client is an 11-year-old girl with osteogenesis imperfecta, which limits her range of motion and makes independence difficult. The goal of this project is to develop a device that will allow her to interface safely with a variety of educational instruments, and control her bedroom’s electronic systems. The device will consist of a […]