Twins Separated at Birth


Being a twin for 19 years, I never would want it any other way. Not many twins are separated at birth but when they are, scientists take notice. A duo adopted by two different families, was the cause of interest for many people and still stand as an interest of people like myself after finding each other 39 years later. My brother and I have similarities in everything: values, health, feelings, eating habits, tastes in fashion and music, and countless other things. If we were split up before acquiring these things, would we still have these similarities?
These twins, Jim and Jim, separated at birth were involved in a study along with 136 other separated twins to show similarities caused by genes instead of the environment. This set of twins was the most famous of the bunch. The research found countless similarities that couldn’t have been due to environment because all of these twins grew up in different environments. There were similarities in Jim and Jim in health, both suffering from tension headaches, in habits, both were nail biters and Salem cigarette smokers, and in interests, both drove the same cars and vacationed at the same beach in Florida. (CBN) Studies showed that there were other similarities amongst the other twins in posture, IQ, religiosity, health, and other factors all based on genes and not environment. The twins in these studies show that they are so closely similar due to genetics and not just because they experience the same things and do everything together for their whole lives.


5 thoughts on “Twins Separated at Birth

  1. Caroline Ann Marino Post author

    I also learned of a duo who was separated and lived in different countries. a different case, two twins were separated and both named Meredith!

  2. Caroline Ann Marino Post author

    I found it interesting that my brother and i could have our traits from genetics, not from growing up in the same environment, having been exposed to the same things.

  3. Madison Canter

    I just learned about these twins in my psych class! Did you know that both of their first wives were named Linda, and both of their second wives, Betty! Also they both named their sons James Allen, and had dogs named Toy. This part of their story really perplexed me! This article talks about these similarities in the first paragraph!

  4. Ann

    Love “The Parent Trap” photo and that’s so cool that you’re a twin! It’s amazing how similar twins can be even when separated at birth. There’s a similar story with two men named Mark and Jerry, who found each other by chance because they ended up working at the same fire station and noticed their similarities. They’re identical twins that were separated at birth and they had the same career interest, hobbies, laughs, and mannerisms. Its crazy how much nature can play a role in people’s lives.

  5. Leona Kogan

    I have learned about this in psychology multiple times and still find it so fascinating. What in the genes affects the habits we pick up? I always assumed habits were something that we picked up from those around us and not from our parents. I certainly do not have the same mannerisms as my family members.

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