Author Archives: Jesenia A Munoz

Stressed? Look towards massage therapy!


Everyone loves a good massage every chance they get but have you realized how much more there is to a massage than a gentle touch in what seems like all the right places? The benefits of a good massage go further than a little “relaxation time”. In fact, massages are known to reduce stress levels, anxiety, digestive disorders, insomnia, sports injuries, headaches, muscle and joint pain, and much more!

First off, there are many different kinds of massages that you can get. They all mean something slightly different and may have a different focus as well. For instance, a shiatsu massage focuses on acupressure points. In Japanese, shiatsu means “finger pressure”. Therefore, the massage therapist uses pressure at the tips of their fingers and, with their hands, they touch on those vital points of your body and reduce blockage of those points. This is proven to reduce stress levels by focusing on the tension in those joints/muscles. In comparison to that, there is the Thai massage. This massage involves the therapist using his/her body to move the client into various positions. This massage includes compression of the muscles and mobilization of joints. Although both of these massages may ultimately have one goal- to make your body feel better- they use different techniques to do so.

A study done in 2012 included 53 adults, 29 of whom had a 45-minute Swedish massage either once a week or twice a week for a five-week period. The other 24 adults underwent a similar massage schedule, but with a light-touch massage instead. “Researchers found that compared to the light-touch massage, study participants who underwent the Swedish massage twice a week experienced decreases in cortisol levels, increased oxytocin levels, and slight evidence of increased white blood cell counts.”

Here is a link to a video of massage techniques & their benefits!

When is the best time to run?


A lot of people, like myself, tend to believe that taking a nice run first thing in the morning is a great way to start off the day. Although it may feel refreshing and will definitely wake you up, is this really the best time for your body to be exercising?

Frequent runners and trainers have reported that running in the evening time makes them feel better and is even easier to do. However, they weren’t quite sure why. Scientists have stated that the cause of this is circadian rhythms, or small fluctuations in the performance of bodily functions on a 24-hour basis. This basically says that you can improve your ability to do something if you choose the right time of day to do it. Interesting huh? Well, let’s look more into this.

Pertaining to running in particular, our body must complete many functions in order to perform well. For example, our body temperature must be at its peak and scientists have found that our body temperature is lowest in the early morning. If our body temperature is low, our muscles will be stiff making it harder for runners to perform at their best. Lung function is also poor early in the morning due to low body temperature, therefore, the runner will get tired easier and quicker. (Research has actually shown that the morning is the most common time of the day for heart attacks and strokes to occur.) This muscle stiffness and poor lung performance will cause the runner to exert more effort than needed leaving him/her more prone to injuries.

So when is the best time to go for a run? Well, researchers say that the best time for exercise is after your day is over. Typically, this would be after school or work and after your body has consumed enough food and nutrition to produce high levels of energy. Body temperature is at its peak in the evening and your muscles are most flexible because they have been working throughout the day. Running at the same speed that you may have run in the morning will seem much easier in the evening. A study by Dr. Boris Medarov of the Long Island Jewish Medical Center in New York, shows that lung function was more than 6% in the evening than in the morning. “Everything feels more relaxed and the miles go by quicker,” he said, “the only problem you would typically have to face is psychological.” This is a a very significant point he makes during his study. It is true that after a long day of work or school, we are not mentally prepared to then go running and put forth the effort needed to exercise. Although our bodies are physically at their peak, it doesn’t mean they are at their peak mentally as well.

All in all, if you want to train or reach a personal best time over a certain distance, it is highly suggested that you do so in the evening. Although it may take some getting used to and will definitely take some motivation, your body will perform at its highest potential. There are a few tips that you can follow about safety and technique if you do choose to run at night and you can find them here.

Is it Better to Run Late at Night versus Early in the Morning?

Study Time!


The end of the semester is coming up and everyone has serious studying to do. By this time we are thinking about final exams and focusing on time management in order to achieve the final grades we long for.

Many of us have stayed up countless number of hours trying to cram excessive amounts of information into our brains before a big test but is this really helpful? How long should we really be studying for in order for our brains to absorb the information needed?

Studies have shown that students entering their first year of college are used to high school studying habits, that is, an average of about 5 hours of studying a week. This, however, tends not to work for college students. It is said that college students should be studying on a 2:1 ratio. For every one hour that you are in class, you should study for 2 hours, with a maximum of two 15 minute breaks. If you are studying for an exam, you may want to increase your study time to 3 hours at the max, adding on another 15 minute break period.

According to “The Science of Brain HQ”, over time, our brain gradually slows down. It begins to miss many details making it more difficult to remember and react to what we saw or heard. This is a big reason for taking breaks after a while of studying. You need to refresh your brain- perhaps with a glass of water or juice or a light snack.

Here is a short video discussing effective study habits.


Does cuddling improve health?

cuddling2Whether cuddling with an significant other, a friend, a family member, or even a dog, everyone loves the feeling of warmth they get when laying next to someone else. Isn’t it nice to find out that cuddling has health benefits associated with it too?!

For starters, cuddling releases a hormone called oxytocin, or else known as the “feel-good” hormone. The levels of this hormone drive up as the bodies are intertwined within one another and increases over-all happiness. Furthermore, cuddling is known to reduce stress, pain, and anxiety. This also connects to the release of oxytocin, also labeled a “bonding” hormone, because of the fact that it increases your happiness. Adding to the benefits of releasing oxytocin, it is also said that it will increase hormones that help fight infection (basically stating that you are feeling too good and too healthy for your body to focus on getting sick so instead your immune system fights to rid your body of anything potentially harmful).

Following that idea, cuddling is known to improve communication between two people. We all know that non-verbal actions tend to speak the loudest to us. By feeling a body so close to yours and, in return, knowing that the person next to you wants to feel you just as close to them, provides a sense of security and comfort. It is known to deepen bonds between the people involved. After-all, you wouldn’t simply cuddle with a stranger would you? Instead you cuddle with someone who you have the desire to be around and who you feel comfortable next to. After many “cuddle sessions”, you get to know each other further and become more attached mentally, physically, and often emotionally.

As you may notice every time you hug a loved one, warm and welcoming feelings are exchanged from one body to the other. Little signs of affection like hugs, kisses, and yes– cuddling- provide a feel-good environment and often allow people to escape the stress and tension that fills their heads on a regular basis. Being around people who make you feel loved and secure sure does have benefits and they should be taken advantage of as long as you have these loved ones around!

Here is a funny clip from Family Guy about cuddling! (I personally love this episode!)

Why does weed make you hungry?

Munchies-Stoner-FoodFor anyone who’s ever tried marijuana in their lifetime, they know the gruesome hunger that  comes soon after. This hunger is often referred to as “munchies”. Why is it, however, that we get so hungry after using this drug? Lets find out.

Marijuana contains an ingredient called tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. This active ingredient is what gives you the side affects such as hunger. Scientists have previously studied answers to the question of just why weed has this affect by testing the drug in mice. They found that after ingesting the THC found in marijuana, “the mice were able to smell and taste more acutely.”

Like many other plants and definitely all other animals on our planet, the marijuana plant uses THC as a self-defense mechanism against herbivores. Animals are likely to feel disoriented after digesting the THC therefore they are more likely to avoid eating that plant in the future. The THC sets into the receptors in the brain’s endocannabinoid system which helps control memory, appetite, emotions, and pain sensitivity. Because our brain already produces chemicals that control these bodily functions, THC tends to enhance them, therefore making you feel as if you’re starving even if you’re not at all hungry.

Many other answers to this question have been found such as THC reaching receptors in other parts of the brain which allows them to release different sensations such as pleasure or hunger.  Although the findings may differ in that case, it all links back to one thing. THC alters the brain’s natural endocannabinoid system and manipulates the same pathways that our brain uses to regulate our senses.

Here is a humorous yet informative video of “why weed makes you hungry”:

There are have been pharmaceutical advances because people have recognized this affect. Here is a link to a website that discusses how “munchies” have inspired new diet drugs. While many may make the argument that weed is “bad” for you for many reasons, I don’t seem to find serious harm in this side affect.

Effects of Rabies on Humans

rabiesThis recent outbreak of Ebola has stirred up a lot of conversation in our recent classes.

After hearing how nasty the Ebola virus really is, I decided to research the only other infection that tops that one. Rabies results in painful and life-threatening conditions and without treatment will always result in death. First off, rabies is caused by a virus that affects the central nervous system. Rabies is transferred from a rabid animal to humans through a bite or a bad scratch. Rabies can be found in many house-hold pets like dogs, cats, or rabbits but is also commonly found in wild animals such as bats, raccoons and skunks.

The key to surviving after being infected with this virus is to get treated immediately therefore making it essential to know the effects that come along with it.

Here is a video of a man who has rabies and what some of the effects are/look like.

To begin, there are two types of rabies that everyone should recognize. They are labeled “Furious Rabies” and “Paralytic Rabies”. Furious rabies is the kind that everyone expects to hear about. The body grows a fear of water therefore not allowing the victim to swallow water, they produce an excessive amount of saliva (foaming at the mouth), they may experience hallucinations and also become very hyperactive. Opposed to this type of rabies, paralytic rabies is just as it sounds. It takes a while longer to kick in but is definitely results in more death being that the effects are hardly seen. The infected patients slowly become paralyzed and slip into a coma leading to death very soon after.

If bitten by any type of animal, especially one you are not familiar with, you should always get the bite checked out as soon as possible. If unable to do so immediately, be aware of the initial signs. You may experience muscle weakness, tingling, burning at the site of the bite, and fevers. This is a serious matter. No human left untreated has ever survived rabies.


Why is yawning so contagious?


Have you ever wondered why you yawn almost immediately after seeing or hearing someone else do it? What is so contagious about yawning that makes us do it even if we are not tired?!

While researching the issue, I have yawned an overwhelmingly amount of times…It’s kind of making me want to change my topic before I get the urge to fall asleep..

Apparently,  yawning becomes contagious around age four for humans. It’s also contagious in chimpanzees and they are currently studying it in dogs as well. Contrary to popular belief that we yawn in order to let oxygen into our bodies, scientists have begun to shut that idea down when it comes to this contagion. “Scientists have actually begun to theorize that like contagious laughing and crying, contagious yawning is a shared experience that promotes social bonding.”

People have begun to link this contagious yawn with empathy. As stated, it promotes socially bonding and it becomes more of a social phenomenon rather than a physiological one. HuffPost science reported that “The closer to are to someone genetically or emotionally, the more likely it is that you’ll ‘catch’ their yawn”.

Unexpectedly, this case of contagious yawning has also led scientists to discover a bit more about autistic children. Studies show that autistic children are highly unlikely to “catch a yawn” and in a lot of cases, they never will. A possibility of why this fails to happen is perhaps the fact that kids who suffer from autism tend to focus on a different part of others’ faces. Normally, people spend most time looking at the eyes but autistic people focus on the mouth. Although it might seem counterintuitive, the stimulant for contagious yawning actually comes from a person’s half-closing eyes rather than their opening mouth. “So perhaps, says Platek, autistic children “don’t pick up the right cues because they’re reading the wrong part of the story”.”

Here is a testing video of people yawning. See how long you last without doing so yourself!

Planning to have a baby? Some RUMORS to look out for..


Many couples that are thinking of reproducing should individually look into certain things and being that I’m a female and my mind is constantly wondering about the future.. I’ve already looked into some things that stop fertility in women so I decided this post would be for the men. While researching the topic, I found a list of  “so-called” sperm killers. The list consisted of many rumors that you may have heard, like I have and I focused on the three that were proven to be FALSE!

First off is Mountain Dew. Although there are many reasons not to drink soda, the possibility of infertility is not one of them. There is said to be no link between infertility and consuming this soft drink despite anything you have heard.

Secondly was hot tubs. While it is proven that heat affects sperm count and the quality of sperm in men, moderate use of the hot tub is just fine. This was also proven to be false unless, of course, you spend hours a day in the bubbling water.

Lastly, the list spoke about mens underwear briefs! This is definitely a rumor that I had never heard before but after asking a few friends, apparently it’s a popular one. The thought here is that because the testicles are held so tightly to the mans body, the scrotal temperature is increased possibly leading to low sperm count. The elevation in heat, however, is not enough to effect a man in such way.

You can find some actual, science related causes of infertility in men here!

Top 12 Most Powerful Animal Bites

While researching top deadlicrocodile_1944005iest animals, the lists varied greatly. There are the top most venomous animals, the top most confrontational, the greatest threats to humans, and so on. So for this post, I focused on the top 12 animals with the most powerful bites. When I got around the top 5, the results didn’t come as much of a surprise to me however, the count down from 12 was quite intriguing.

#12 on this countdown was the biggest surprise! Simply knowing that this breed of dog is such a common pet to many and yet it remains on this list with such feared wild animals is kind of crazy. The mastiff  can have a bite up to 500 psi (pounds per square inch). It’s quite funny how we are so judgmental over having pit bulls as pets and in some states it is even banned meanwhile we overlook these beasts! In my opinion, no dog is born as “a bad dog”, they just have poor owners. I personally haven’t heard of a mastiff attacking a human but I’m sure it does happen and i’d hate to encounter an angry one!

#11 was a surprise as well because I figured this animal would be a bit higher up on the list. The Great White Shark holds this spot on the list and can bite up to 625 psi. Animal experts say you should fear their razor-like teeth much more than the strength of their bite.

#10 The tenth spot on this list is taken by the almighty Lion with an increasing bite of 650 psi.

#9 The bear, also a surprise to me that it wasn’t bumped up on the list, has a great bite of 925 psi, enough to crush a bowling bowl! (ouch!)

#8 The alligator snapping turtle. This was a first for me. I could’ve gone my whole life not knowing that this animal existed. They are small and uncommon animals that could take a finger or two from you but not so deadly to us humans. Their bite is at 1000 psi.

The rest of the list is as follows:

#7 – Tiger (1050 psi)                            #6 – Hyena (1100 psi)

#5 – Gorilla (1300 psi)                         #4 – Jaguar (1350 psi)

#3 – Hippopotamus (1825 psi)         #2 – Alligator (2125 psi)

                 #1 – Saltwater Crocodile (3700 psi) 

You can find this list at

& a video about saltwater crocs at

Lets BULK up!

arnold schwarzenegger pic12[1] images[1]

Planning on bulking up for the winter? Plan on slimming down for the summer? Society is constantly striving to change their appearance, a lot of the time, to look better and ultimately to feel better!

It’s no secret that there are countless amounts of supplements available to the public and it’s also no secret that there are countless amounts of people using them incorrectly. One supplement in particular is protein powder. This supplement is known as the “building block” supplement for most nutrition and training programs. Protein powder is sold in such a manner that it appeals to many buyers. With a wide variety of options/flavors- the brands make it easy for everyone to find one that they like!

Protein powder is known to help weight lifters or heavy gym goers gain the weight that they need to gain the body that they want. However, if not used correctly or in a strict manner, the supplement isn’t able to perform it’s job.  Muscles use protein as a source of fuel and repair. When finishing a strenuous session at the gym, your muscles are torn- only slightly but, torn nonetheless. The main indicator of a good workout is the soreness you feel afterwards. Studies have shown that when protein is taken between 20 minutes after your workout, it goes straight to those torn muscles and helps to repair and rebuild therefore helping to increase the size and strength of those muscles. With continuous and constant use of the protein powder along with continuous weight lifting, you will be able to pursue those goals you are after.

So what about the rest of the human population who could care less about weightlifting and who have never been interested in a gym membership? Do these supplements appear to them as well? Well the answer to that is OF COURSE they do! Protein is essential in the human diet and allows our bodies to function properly. The protein we consume is used to repair and form new cells and is important for our growth and development. The protein is broken down into amino acids which the body needs in large amounts to maintain good health.

“Protein supplements are often recommended by physicians after a patient has undergone surgery, to speed up the healing process. Protein powders are commonly used by vegetarians or vegans who are not getting enough protein from their diet without meat.”



Do oysters truly cause increased sexual desire?

There have been many lists of natural aphrodisiacs. People have pointed out the top three, bottom three and so forth. The one that happens to have caught my attention is the oyster. Although I am a seafood lover, I stay far far away from oysters and clams. The slimy look and the size is so unappealing to me but when hearing the affect they tend to have on people regarding sexual desire, I was intrigued. I don’t mean intrigued like wanting to try it but intrigued like wanting to know more and wondering if it was just a myth or not. After all, I have watched my brothers eat plenty of these oysters and the thought of them being sexually aroused afterwards kind of disgusts me!

After researching the topic, I found the outcome I predicted. There is NO scientific evidence proving that oysters increase sexual drive in humans. In fact, many scientists and doctors say that “It very well could be that psychologically people want to greater sexual drive by eating oysters, they want to believe it so much, that they willed themselves to do so.”

This well known accusation originated from Greek mythology and the label, aphrodisiac, comes from the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite. She was a beautiful goddess said to be born by the sea. Throughout history, this caused people to believe that anything born by the sea had aphrodisiac  effects. Later on, people began to shave away at parts of the myth and began to think that anything that tends to resemble genitalia causes sexual drive in humans after consumption. This all leads back to the human mind acting as the greatest aphrodisiac itself. Humans will sometimes be so allured by a claim that they want to just find out themselves. When one actually tries the oyster, the outcome they expect is to feel some sort of sexual sensation and arousal, when in fact, it’s all a mind game. For humans attracted to female genitalia, the oyster might act as one of the best “aphrodisiacs” while those who are attracted to male genitalia may have another list of their top choices. Resemblance in all aspects plays a huge part in this “mind game”.

Is lifting weights at a young age harmful?

A myth that has been around for years and is believed by many is that weight lifting at a young age is harmful to the body and may also stunt growth. Many scientists, doctors, nutritionists, and other specialists in this field have done intense research to label this myth as ‘invalid’.

The truth is that weight lifting remains as one of the safest sports when done CORRECTLY. Olympic weight lifters like Arnold Schwarzenegger started at a very young age to make it to the top. With proper training and guidance, the technique is perfected and assures safety while working out. The myth itself is around simply because there are huge possibilities and many cases in which injury from lifting weights has caused growth stunt in the human bodies. Humans have growth plates at the end of many bones that maintain length and regulate the shape of the bones as they grow. The growth plate is the last part of the bones to develop and mature, therefore, making them very prone to breakage/fracture. In the cases where children perform improper techniques while lifting, one mistake can injure their bones for good.

In an article written in the New York Times in 2010, Gretchen Reynolds, discusses two separate notions regarding this topic. At first, Reynolds quotes a professor in science at the College of New Jersey who states “that children and adolescents should not practice weight training” and that it will “result in short stature, epiphyseal plate” — or growth plate — “damage, lack of strength increases due to a lack of testosterone and a variety of safety issues.” 

Reynolds goes on to state that researchers in Germany analyzed the information and the charts of 60 years worth of studies of children and weightlifting. The ages of the children raised from 6-18. Through the study, the researchers were able to confirm that weight lifting at a young age is indeed beneficial to the human body. While some may believe that weight training at such a young age causes nothing but injury, it is scientifically proven that lifting weight increases muscular as well as bone strength making the child LESS susceptible to bone/tissue injuries. giulian stroe

What in the WORLD..

(i) So, I guess you can say the real reason I’m taking this course is because it works well in my schedule and it was recommended to me by an advisor. However, it did sound like the most interesting one out of the choices I was given. I look forward to continuing this course now that I actually sat in on a class!

(ii) When I was younger I had aspirations of becoming a Vet because I have a huge love for all animals. HOWEVER!!! As I progressed through high school having to take classes like Chemistry and Honors Physics, I ran so far away from that career path and decided to take up a career that involved my passion for writing. This is why I’m now a communications major planning to take up Journalism. This course seems like it’s going to challenge my mind in new ways, something everybody could use!
