About Me!

Hi Everyone!

My name is Marcella Santos, I’m a typical beginner freshman at PSU from a small town outside of Boston, Massachusetts (not Philly for the first time). I’m taking this course because I needed it to fulfill some space in my schedule plus I thought the description of the course was the most intriguing out of all of the other sciences. As I showed up for the first day, I clearly did not make the wrong choice. I’ve never had a science class not be about facts or scientists and how they figured out some crazy things that you can’t even see. I prefer learning in a tangible way with visuals and I find myself having a hard time picturing atoms, chemical bonds, and all of that stuff, therefore I can’t find myself relating to the subject so much.

I’m in the business school and I plan to major in Marketing/International Business because I love the consumer world and analyzing consumer patterns. How each individual spends his or her money and how everyone’s actions just add to the world’s economy is extremely fascinating. Plus, business correlates with math which I do like. I’m very excited to take this course after viewing the topics and hope that it can only build upon my knowledge.

Here’s Newbury St in Boston, great location for cute food, dates, and shopping!



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