Hey guys! My name is Alana D’Agnese and I’m a freshman in D.U.S. here at Penn State! I’m from Westchester, NY about an hour outside New York City. I chose this course, because at orientation my adviser told me this class was perfect for people who dislike science but need to fulfill gen-eds classes.
Even though I am still undecided, I am not planning on being a science major. In high school, I always struggled with science class; whether it was physics, chemistry, or biology. I had a hard time understanding the material and lost interest very quickly. Since college is the time where I am free to explore and study topics that interest me, I want to take classes that put me on track for a major in marketing or advertising and public relations. These two majors will hopefully allow me incorporate my love for art and photography into my everyday life.
Since there’s a color run coming to Penn State soon, I thought I’d share a picture that I took when I ran one a few months ago. At the end of the race, there’s a big rave where the DJ throws out color packets with powder in them. On his count, everyone launches them up in the air and color flies everywhere. It’s insane!
Click here to see a cool video of the color run!
I thought I left this video as a live link… But I guess not, so here it is right now!
Hey Alana! I’m also from Westchester! It’s been such a rarity to find people also from Westchester here at Penn State. I’ve always wanted to participate in a color run, the video you posted makes it look so cool!
Hey Alana!! I love doing all different kinds of 5k runs! I wanted to do the one here at Penn State but it’s on a Monday and I have classes 🙁 My two most recent 5k’s were The Rugged Maniac in Brooklyn, NY and The Ugly Sweater Run at Met Life Stadium in New Jersey. here
Hey Alana! I absolutely love doing the Color Run! I do them every year back where I’m from in Arizona, the explosion of colors at the rave really is insane. Here’s a video of what the Color Run I did a few years back looked like. Can’t wait to have Penn State be the best Color Run I’ve ever done!