About Me!

Hi everyone! My name is Tiffany Fu and I’m from a small town in New Jersey called Marlboro. It’s been quite a journey for me so far as a Penn State student. I’m currently a sophomore and I’ve been here since the summer of 2014 as a summer semester freshman.

I’m very excited to be enrolled and taking SC 200. I read all the reviews about Andrew on Rate My Professor and I was impressed by how many people enjoyed coming to class and listening in on the lectures.

I’ll be honest, I don’t like science very much. It’s not my favorite subject, which is why I am not considering being a science major. But when I looked at the syllabus that I received for this class, I was actually pretty hooked on the topics that we will be discussing during lecture. I have high hopes for this class.

here's a fun little picture of sunflowers I just found on my computer

here’s a fun little picture of sunflowers I just found on my computer

just a little article on onward state about general education classes that don’t suck