Initial Blog Post

Hello! My name is Doug Salada, and I am taking this class honestly because it wasn’t full and it fulfilled some science credits. My Major is Supply Chain management, which isn’t a science major, but will still require me to think about things differently than other people. I felt after reading the description that this class would help my mind thinking of things in different ways, different uses for things, and so on and so forth. I didn’t want to be a science major because when I think of Science, I think of those really dull subjects you took in grade school, and the way they were taught and presented really turned me off of science. If I knew that science was more than just the Earth, biology, and the weather, I would have pursued it further. I was actually born in Boalsburg PA, which is just down the road. I grew up loving penn state and everything about it, even during the Sandusky years.  I am a sophomore, and having one year down I absolutely cannot wait for what the next years have to bring.


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3 thoughts on “Initial Blog Post

  1. Kaitlin Anita Caminiti

    This is an awesome picture! and I completely agree with you about how science was presented in school…. completely boring.

  2. John McGranaghan

    Yo Doug,
    That is a sick picture of the Beaver Stadium from overhead. I can’t wait for the season to start. Click here if you want to see the new pump up video they made for PSU football, it got me so pumped for the season!

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