Initial Blog Post

Hi! My name is Taylor Mitchell and I am from Lafayette Hill, PA. I am so excited to be starting at Penn State this year! I spent my summer here and met so many great people, I can not wait to meet so many more.

I decided to take this course because I was signed up for a Earth science class and after reading through the syllabus I realized I had zero interest in that topic of study. Then I found this class and read about it and read about Andrew and felt it would be a really great class to take.

I am 100% not ever going to be a science major because I hope to never take Physics, Chem or Bio again. Those were the classes that I dreaded going to everyday and struggled in!

When I am not studying I love to look at this website.It has really cute DogsScreen Shot 2015-08-27 at 10.53.48 PM

4 thoughts on “Initial Blog Post

  1. Lauren Ann Heess

    I was also signed up for another science class (Astronomy) when I read about this class and realized it was way more interesting to take! By the way, I love the dog picture. That website reminds me of a twitter page I follow filled with the cutest pictures of puppies.

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