Initial blog post

Hi everyone, my name is connor scavina and i come from a small town in Delaware called Wilmington. Growing up it was always my dream to attend Penn State due to the unrivaled school spirit, massive alumni network, and the fun and relaxed environment Penn State provides. I am currently in the college of communications and majoring in telecommunications. Some interesting facts about me is that i was a three sport athlete in high school, and won a state championship for basketball and football. I love hanging out and going to concerts with friends and this past summer i went to firefly music festival, which was a four day festival in the middle of the woods. 

Throughout my adolescent and into my adulthood years i always found an interest in finding out the answers to debateable questions.  However I never really took to much of an interest in sciences such as physics or chemistry. I enjoy thinking deeply about topics and I think that course will provide that opportunity for me.

One thought on “Initial blog post

  1. Hunter Alexander Mycek

    Hey Connor,

    I’m jealous that you got a chance to go to Firefly this year. My room mate has gone the past two years and for some reason I just haven’t been able to go. But, if you’re the kind of guy that would spend 4 days camping out, you must like music. You probably like some of the same music as I do!

    I got into this band last year and it became one of my go to bands to listen to while studying. They’re called Youth Lagoon and its definitely something different.

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