Hi I’m Nick Pulos. I attended Strath Haven High School which is in Delaware County in a town called Wallingford. I am a freshman here at PSU, and I am currently in DUS but I intend to study accounting during my time here in PSU.
When I was choosing classes, I unfortunately had to fulfill some science credits when I was here. So I took this course. Why? My adviser told me that it is a fun and interesting class that does not involve too much science. And so far, it seems that she is correct. The reason I am not planning to major in science is that I personally have never been to interested in it. I have always gotten good grades in my science courses, but to me there are more interesting topics that I enjoy more so than science. That is why I am taking this course.
Here is a picture that I found on Google of my hometown Wallingford.
Here is a video I found on Youtube that was one of my favorite Penn State games i have ever been at