What’s up everyone, my name is Liam Matthews and I’m a freshman here at Penn State. I’m from Collegeville, PA, which is about 50 minutes outside of Philly. Ever since I was a kid, I’ve loved sports. I particularly followed the Sixers, Eagles, and Phillies. I could tell you anything you need to know about the 76ers and their rebuilding plan, the Eagles and their playoff aspirations, and the Phillies and their farm system. I would read any article or reading I could find on these teams. I loved keeping up to date with them, for I hope to have some type of occupation with one of these organizations. That’s part of the reason why I was originally in the college of communications. Now in DUS, I still love to follow and write about these teams. I never had a true interest in science beyond high school. I think this course will be rather interesting. I chose this course to expand my curiosity, and really learn more about all these concepts and theories. The items covered in this class interests me, but I don’t plan on majoring in Science for it doesn’t interest me the way communications does. I hope I can keep my grade up in this class while I also get enlighten by the context and concepts of the course.
The Eagles made some bold moves this offseason, what do you think about Chip Kelly?
So you must be following the Eagles’ preseason then. You think Bradford’s ready? Check this article out. http://www.philly.com/philly/sports/eagles/20150830_Eagles_have_seen_enough_from_Bradford__bring_on_the_regular_season.html