Initial blog post

What’s up class, my name is Scott Katz and I’m from Long Island, New York.  I’m currently in DUS because I have no clue what I want to do with my life yet.  I have so many interest I can’t figure out what would make me the happiest.  The reason I took this class is mainly because it fill my GN requirement and it sounded extremely interesting when my advisor was explaining what the class consists of.  Also, I’ve seen Andrews ted talk before and loved the speech and thought it would be really cool to have the oppurtunity to learn from him. Honestly the main reason I’m not majoring in science is because all the biology and chemistry classes were given too early in the morning for me to wake up.  I need my sleep and waking up for a 8am class is hard for me.  Sleep deprivation is a big problem in America, if you want to see if you’re getting enough sleep click here.Screen Shot 2015-09-01 at 8.37.02 PM

4 thoughts on “Initial blog post

  1. Desiree Nicole Enriquez

    Im definitely on the same boat as you when it comes to picking a major. I could see myself doing just about anything! If you have any free time, you should check out MajorQuest . It was really helpful for me while narrowing my search for majors. Good luck!

  2. sjl5595

    I totally agree with the sleep problem. Sleep deprivation is now a world considered trouble that still needs to be solved. People nowadays are facing the situation of having less and less sleep hours which greatly influence the working efficiency and rate of concentration. Here is a video I have seen on the website about the power of sleeping appropriately.

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