Is TCM pseudoscience?

TCM, which means Traditional Chinese Medicine, is the study of human physiology, pathology and disease diagnosis and the prevention and control of diseases. It is carrying the ancient Chinese people’s struggle against disease experience and theoretical knowledge, is the ancient naive materialism and spontaneous dialectics thought guidance, through the long-term medical practice gradually formed and developed into the system of medical theory.   TCM base on the theory of the five elements of Yin and Yang, the human body as a gas, shape and the unity of god. Those are difficult terms for people to understand.

Some people in China believe that TCM really work and it is useful and good for human’s body, however, some scientific in China or in all over the world make their points of views that TCM doesn’t do science.

This is a really controversial question. Many scientists in Western countries say that TCM is pseudoscience. And actually, TCM has some points that make people to doubt that whether TCM does science.

First, because it doesn’t meet the scientific characteristics. From my point of view, I think science=logic+proves. Theory of traditional Chinese medicine does not use the scientific method, so TCM does not belong to science. If a nonscientific term defined as science, then this term becomes pseudoscience. Therefore, TCM is not part of science. Whether it is pseudoscience, depends on the people how to position TCM. If they define TCM as science, then TCM is pseudoscience, but if they define TCM as nonscience, then TCM is not pseudoscience.

As people say Chinese medicine can cure the disease and whether TCM is not pseudo-science, do not relate to traditional Chinese medicine can cure disease .

Chinese medicine can not cure, Chinese medicine is not scientific; Chinese medicine can cure, Chinese medicine is not a science.

Science does not have a so large range. The right things may be not belong to science, and science isn’t always right.

Science is just a method, a method help people how to know this world better. There are lots ofways for people to know this world. For example, Religion, Metaphysics, experience and science are ways for people to know this world. The way that can access effective method should not always be science.