An Apple a Day Keeps the Dr. Away?

The catchphrase “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” has been circulating around for awhile. But why is it that an apple can keep a doctor away? How did this catchphrase come around? And can a banana be healthier than an apple? All of these questions were something I wondered when my roommate and I were enjoying a healthy snack after working out. So what are the answers? You’ll just have to read this blog…

The phrase may seem like it is ancient, but the actual coining of the phrase didn’t evolve until 19th century, specifically 1860’s from Pembrokeshire in Wales. The original phrase was ‘‘Eat an apple on going to bed, and you’ll keep the doctor from earning his bread.” So in this phrase, it is literally saying that eating an apple will make you not go to the doctors as much and the doctor will not make any money. The phrase was reconfigured in the late 19th and early 20th century to “an apple a day, no doctor to pay” and “an apple a days, sends the doctor away.” This was a little bit more to the point, but it wasn’t until 1922 that the phrase we now commonly use was created. “ Ancient Romans and Anglo-Saxons, she said [Taggart], knew about the healthful properties of apples. The fruit also pops up in traditional Ayurvedic medicine, dating back about 1,500 years in southern Asia”(Washington Post). History of the phrase.

But how is an apple able to keep you from having to see the doctor as much? People that say apples keep doctors away have 5 reasons. Apples have quercetin in it which prevents damage to the lining of blood vessels which could lead to cardiovascular disease. Secondly, apples are packed with fiber. A medium apple has about 4 grams of fiber. Thirdly, apples have a low-glycemic level which reduces blood sugar and reduces the chances of getting Type 2 diabetes. Fourthly, “many components of this fruit can help prevent certain cancers: natural pigments called anthocyanins; phenolic acids including ellagic and ferulic acids; the flavonoids quercetin and rutin; and the antioxidant glutathione”(Best Health). The final reason, British doctors found that if you ate 5 apples a week, you would be able to breathe easier, and not have asthma-like symptoms. 5 reasons apples are healthy.

“In 2012, an Ohio State University study found that eating an apple a day helped significantly lower levels of bad cholesterol in middle-aged adults, and in 2011 a Dutch study found that eating apples and pears might help prevent strokes,”(Washington Post).  So the apple is shown to be a healthy option for a snack and prevents many diseases.

As I mentioned earlier, I wanted to know whether the banana or the apple was healthier. So here are the results. In a medium banana, there are 105 calories in it compared to 95 in the apple. Eating an apple will also make you feel more full because it is more dense than the banana. But overall, the two fruit are extremely healthy for you. Differences of the make-up offer different health benefits. Apples have pectin in it, which is a type of soluble fiber. Soluble fibers protect your body from cholesterol and getting  heart disease. Bananas have 422 milligrams of potassium in a medium banana which aids in the control of blood pressure. Both the fruits also have a low-glycemic level which helps in lowering the blood sugar and preventing heart disease and diabetes. Antioxidants are also loaded in both fruits, vitamin A and C are represented in the fruits. The vitamins also prevent the risk of cancers and heart diseases. Apple vs. Banana

All-in-all, the banana isn’t so different from the apple. You could say “a banana a day keeps the doctor away,” because he slipped on the peel. But in all honesty, if you eat fruit, whether an apple or banana everyday you will be better off.


One thought on “An Apple a Day Keeps the Dr. Away?

  1. Sarah Rose Peterson

    I did not know there was so much history tied back to the phrase “eating an apple a day keeps the doctor away”. I actually eat an apple almost every day and after reading your post, I will definitely stick to that! I find them to be a great snack and they have so many health benefits as you noted. I also love bananas because the potassium helps with muscle cramping.

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