Is Waist Training Harmful?

If you haven’t heard, one of the newest celebrity fads  is waist training. That’s right, celebrities such as Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner constantly post pictures  to Instagram wearing their trainers, and gush about how well they work.  Waist trainers are designed to do just as the title entails; train your waste into being more slim and feminine in form by compressing your core. Basically, they are tight corsets designed to be worn during everyday activities such as going out or working out.

My question is, is it safe to use a product that is virtually able to shrink your waist? According to Womens Health, if you are wearing it everyday for long periods of time, it is most definitely not. In fact, according to health experts it doesn’t even really work, as it is more temporary than it is permanent. Therefore, if you take it off, your waist will eventually go back to its normal size. Also, in wearing it everyday it not only restricts your breathing but it also can do damage to your ribs over time. In a more in depth article, Yahoo says waist training can cause acid reflux. This is because your waist and organs are so compressed, that the little food you are able to eat does not digest correctly; thus acid reflux being the result(i.e. heartburn or acid taste in throat). Also, it causes rib bruising, although most users confuse this as their bones shifting into a slimmer shape. Really they are just harming harming and bruising their ribs which sometimes can cause even more serious effects.

The article emphasizes that even more damage is caused in your lungs, as waist trainers are notorious for restricting breathing  and causing oxygen shortages – which can lead to loss of consciousness. There is also a linkage to build-up of fluid in the lungs putting people at risk for sicknesses such as pneumonia. Lastly, it can cause decrease of blood flow into your veins which can not only lead to blood clots but it can also do damage to your heart. Some cases have even reported kidney and spleen damage!

All in all, using waist trainers religiously is not a safe, or permanent fix. Instead it is recommended to lose weight and slim your waist the old fashioned way; eating healthy and exercising regularly! So skip this trend to save your body from harmful damage down the road.

10 thoughts on “Is Waist Training Harmful?

  1. ngf5020

    This is a very interesting topic. I follow all of the Kardashians on Instagram and have seen the pictures you are talking about. These pictures actually go me very curious and I was interested in actually buying one of these waist trainers. What was initially holding me back was the price, but after reading your article, I definitely will not be! Totally not worth it with all of the side-effects. Its better to just work out and eat healthy to get the waist you want rather than damaging your body.

  2. Stephen B Caruso

    Due to social media, I have seen pictures of girl’s wearing these. Originally,,I thought not only were they harmless, but also just a hoax that had made no change to the body what so ever. To hear that they cause bruising around the ribs and other complications is sad to know that they are so heavily promoted. Especially since they only change the size of the waist temporarily, so all of these side effects are basically for nothing. Hopefully, the word gets out that these do in fact cause short and long term problems that should out weigh the fact that they may change a girls appearance for a short while.

  3. Bowen Wang

    Interesting topic and I think it is pretty practical for us. I saw couple of our classmates published some blogs regarding weight issue and after reading yours I think they should speared out your article. It is definitely ok for people wants to have a skinny look as it is our society’s beauty image. While for us we need more consider doing it in a healthy way. There are many of my friends worrying about their body image and taking medicine to control their weight too. As your blog implies, these are not a long lasting methods neither does healthy. I wish for more people could know this issue and help others. Thanks for your work!!!

  4. Hailey Tully

    Not going to lie, I bought a waist trainer. I thought it was going to just make me sweat more and get rid of my love handles but no, you blog says it all. It makes it extremely hard to breathe and once you take it off your waist goes right back to the same size it was.

    Last week I saw a picture on Instagram that shows what waist trainers actually do to our bodies and its not pretty! (link below)

    I tried looking for a study but was unable to find one because even though waist trainers are so popular I feel like it’d be unethical to conduct an experiment making people wear something that we deem as this hazardous to our health.

  5. Hailey Tully

    Not going to lie, I bought a waist trainer. I thought it was going to just make me sweat more and get rid of my love handles but no, you blog says it all. It makes it extremely hard to breathe and once you take it off your waist goes right back to the same size it was.

    Last week I saw a picture on Instagram that shows what waist trainers actually do to our bodies and its not pretty! (link below)

    I tried looking for a study but was unable to find one because even though waist trainers are so popular I feel like it’d be unethical to conduct an experiment making people wear something that we deem as this hazardous to our health.

  6. Hailey Tully

    Not going to lie, I bought a waist trainer. I thought it was going to just make me sweat more and get rid of my love handles but no, you blog says it all. It makes it extremely hard to breathe and once you take it off your waist goes right back to the same size it was.

    Last week I saw a picture on Instagram that shows what waist trainers actually do to our bodies and its not pretty! (link below)

    I tried looking for a study but was unable to find one because even though waist trainers are so popular I feel like it’d be unethical to conduct an experiment making people wear something that we deem as this hazardous to our health.

  7. Lauren Ann Heess

    This post is intriguing to me because I’ve been a fan of the Kardashian’s for a long time. This being said, I also noticed when the sisters started promoting these waist trainers on their Instagrams. I never gave it much thought until I was over my friend’s house and realized she had one! I was curious how they worked so I tried it on. It was extremely constricting and actually felt like it was crushing my internal organs. I agree with you that people should just stick to normal methods of losing weight, because those trainers are definitely not safe for people to use.

  8. Lauren Ann Heess

    This post is intriguing to me because I’ve been a fan of the Kardashian’s for a long time. This being said, I also noticed when the sisters started promoting these waist trainers on their Instagrams. I never gave it much thought until I was over my friend’s house and realized she had one! I was curious how they worked so I tried it on. It was extremely constricting and actually felt like it was squeezing my internal organs. I agree with you that people should just stick to normal methods of losing weight, because those trainers are definitely not safe for people to use.

  9. oob5040

    It’s quite interesting you decided to write about this fad, i know many people who have started using waist trainers to achieve their desired fact. Most people are not aware of the fact that they are not supposed to wear waist trainers for long periods of time, or how potentially dangerous waist trainers are. in the medieval times it was fashionable to wear a corsetunder dresses to make waists appear smaller, these had very negative affects like deformed spines and fainting spells. Corsets and waist trainers are very similar, to similar to me to want to risk the health issues

  10. oob5040

    It’s quite interesting you decided to write about this fad, i know many people who have started using waist trainers to achieve their desired fact. Most people are not aware of the fact that they are not supposed to wear waist trainers for long periods of time, or how potentially dangerous waist trainers are. in the medieval times it was fashionable to wear a corsetunder dresses to make waists appear smaller, these had very negative affects like deformed spines and fainting spells. Corsets and waist trainers are very similar, to similar to me to want to risk the health issues

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