Soul mates a real thing?

At some point in our lives we have all wondered or believed that we are paired with that special someone. Or if you didn’t, you turned it down completely because it seemed very unlikely for those odds to be true. I am such a girl when it comes to things like this. I watched all these chick flick movies with the ending being that the girl gets the prince charming in the end. But what if in reality we really don’t? I grew older and started thinking differently about things from situations I was in. But in the back of my mind, soul mates still locked in my mind. I decided that I should figure out once and for all if this “meant to be” is really to be.


The Scientific side of soul mates is one that caught me by surprise. I read in this article that she found a book named “What If” that contained serious scientific answers to absurd hypothetical questions. The author of the book, Randall  Munroe, stated his answer to the question by using an example. The person who has a “soul mate” was made when born. The two do not know of or where the another is until the eyes meet (like how a typical romantic moment is suppose to go). The amount of strangers strangers we make eye contact with each day is difficult to estimate. Especially taking into account of people who are in small town and see very few vs the ones that live in big cities and meet millions. If one were to make eye contact with about 12 people a day, and 10% were close to your age, that would be around 50,000 in a lifetime. This states that you would only find true love in one life time of 10,000.


After reading this, I thought it could not get any worst, but it did. Also on top of that, gender, sexual orientation, culture, and language were not taken into consideration. The topic of “soul mates” then becomes even more of a little chance of happening. Then,more into difficulty, more questions rise. Such as is your soul mate even still alive passed all odds. Hundred billion or so humans have ever lived on this earth and almost seven billion are alive now. According to Munroe, this gives the human condition a 93% mortality rate. 90% of our soul mates are long gone if we were all to be paired up randomly.


After all the deep searches on this topic, I can personally say I have had my opinion shifted a bit. This lady spoke more over a deeper thought with her opinion being taken into account. She overall stated that the term “soul mate” is just an excuse for couples who are unhappy with who they chose when in reality its suppose to be the person your soul finds paired with. Saying this, she went into stating that your soul mate is the one your body finds compatible to spend eternity with. She does not believe the “one person for everyone soul mate” talk, but does believe soul mate is whoever you want to marry. Who you marry IS now your soul mate because you two are now one. She added side notes that put her religion into play but that’s completely up to you if you believe her say with that. I do agree with her say with it’s who you marry. I say if you end up marrying, that it is too your soul mate. But remember, you must be happily married also.

5 thoughts on “Soul mates a real thing?

  1. Chane Jeter-Smith Post author

    I love all your comments and feedback! Very interested as to where everyone stands with the “soul mate” topic. And glad someone has similar interests with me!

  2. Jennifer Lee Wales

    Very interesting post! While the concept of one predisposed soul mate has always seemed like a bit of a stretch, the last paragraph suggests a great alternate idea. As long as you are happy to spend you life with someone, it makes sense that that is your soulmate.

  3. Kristen Lauren Mckenzie

    I really liked your post. I always thought that your soulmate didn’t have to be the person you marry but the way the lady described it makes so much sense. The person you marry is your soulmate, sometimes if things do go wrong I guess you weren’t meant to be with your “soulmate”. I never actually believed in that statement regardless if it makes sense. I think that you could be in love with someone that is not your soulmate, and some people go to their grave without actually meeting their soulmate. I think you have an unbearable connection with your soulmate that you won’t have with the person your in love with. Some people may never get to know that feelings because they are happily married, others who get a second chance at love might meet their soul mate.

  4. Millie Rachel Dweck

    This topic really interest me, and I am the same way as you regarding wanting to find my soulmate! I do disagree though, because I think everyone has a soulmate out there. Someone who you biologically connect to and who understands you more than most. I’m not sure in which way two people could be connected biologically, but I do still believe in it!

  5. Connor James Scavina

    I was intrigued by the study that showed if you lock eyes with 12 people a day and 10% of them were close to your age, that would only leave you with 10,000 possible soul mates to chose from. This just backed up what i already kinda knew and that is there is no such thing as a soul mate. Like the author you quoted said it’s just an excuse coined by happily married couples.

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