Water or Gatorade?

When running, I always wonder which is a better drink to have, gatorade or water. Both are good sources of hydration, but Gatorade has electrolytes, which will give you more energy. It is very important to always stay hydrated while you are running, especially in extreme heat. There are too many tragic stories about people who do not stay hydrated and end up having heat strokes because their body cannot take the heat, and cannot continue to function. Our bodies have a lot of water weight, so making sure that you keep refilling your body as you sweat out this water is important. According to livestrong.com, you need about 10 to 15 cups of water per day, and that does not include the cups that you need to refuel what you lost while on the run. For shorter runs data concludes that water is your best source because it is sugar and calorie free; but what about the longer runs?


As said above, water is good on runs that are not very long, because it is important to stay hydrated, but drinking too much water in say a marathon can actually have negative effects on your body. There are two very dangerous illnesses that can occur on longer runs called hyponatremia and overhydration, both which can be caused by too much water. These illnesses cause dizziness and seizures, and gatorade has the electrolytes and sodium to reduce the levels that cause these two. These sicknesses can both be tragic, which is why being well prepared when running is important. These facts prove that Gatorade is the healthier option when running longer distances.




6 thoughts on “Water or Gatorade?

  1. Danielle Lindsey Deihl

    I really like how much research you did for this post, and how many facts you included. This is a common question among athletes, and there are many different opinions on the topic. When I researched this topic online, I found an article from Harvard Health Publications that states that the better choice is water, and sports drinks are not necessary. The article explained that, “a study of marathoners by Harvard-based researchers found that 13% had some degree of hyponatremia, and that it was just as likely to happen among those who guzzled sports drinks during the marathon as it was among those who stuck with water” (Skerrett). The main downside of sports drinks is that they contain a lot of unnecessary calories and sugar. Clearly there is research for both sides, and no clear answer to this question.

  2. Ryan Metz

    As an athlete, I was always asking myself which was better to drink on game day. After hearing the opinion of many trainers and coaches, I came to a simple answer. Gatorade before and after games, while water during the game. My understanding was Gatorade replenishes the electrolytes in your body after a rigorous workout. Drinking it before the game ensures that you have the electrolytes to get through the game, and after makes sure that the electrolytes in your body are replenished. Water, while much easier on your stomach, especially when ice cold, does the job of keeping you hydrated during the game. I found that if I drank Gatorade while playing I would get a stomach ache, but I am not sure why. This post intrigued me because I was thinking the complete opposite of your view.

  3. Erin Marie Stephenson

    Whenever I am working out I am always stuck between whether or not I should be drinking water or Gatorade. Water always seems to be the obvious choice because of the sugar in Gatorade however Gatorade provides you with electrolytes like you stated. What I have trouble with is drinking Gatorade when I am not working out, that is when it is bad for you! It is helpful to know for future reference that water is best for short distance runs but can be dangerous if you drink to much for long distance.

  4. Kristen Lauren Mckenzie

    I believe that when you feel your body dyhydrated you should drink water but when you are tired from exercise I thought it would be better to have gatorade to give your body more energy. I wonder if that statement is wrong based on what you said. I think it would make more sense for when your on a longer run to drink both gatorade and water. I wonder if for if my body is effected if I have gatorade during short runs

  5. Brooke Lytle

    This post does not surprise me too much! Any time I was dehydrated as a child and a teenager, my mother would tell me to go for Gatorade versus water because of the electrolytes. I am curious, however, exactly how gatorade helps limit over-hydration. Can over-hydration occur even when you are not on a long run? I went to check this out, and this is what I found: Over-hydration tends to occur mostly because some people have such low levels of sodium from a psychiatric disorder that the sodium cannot handle the amount of water being taken in. This is called psychogenic polydipsia , and is one of the only ways people tend to get too hydrated.

  6. John Michael Federici

    For me the choice is very easy, Gatorade. There is nothing like the feeling at a August football practice and drinking gatorade. For whatever reason i always felt more refreshed, where water would just sit in my stomach and usually didn’t last long.

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