Are mediums real?

I’m from Long Island, and when people talk about Long Island, the stereotype is usually a rich girl with not a lot of responsibilities, a lot of beaches and good food. Lately people have also been talking about the Long Island Medium, Theresa Caputo. The Long Island Medium premiered on TLC in 2011. I used to watch it at home and be in awe of how she could tell stories from those that have crossed overs and initially changed people’s lives. My aunt went to go see her in a big group setting and my grandma came through and they discussed how my aunt had a piece of my grandma’s jewelry in her purse, and Theresa asked my aunt why she didn’t have it on her body. She was shocked and couldn’t believe that Theresa knew that she had my grandma’s piece of jewelry in her purse.


I had always believed in mediums from the highly rated reality television show on TLC and from my aunt’s experience. As I was researching if other people thought this was true and to see if maybe I was the only fool, I landed upon a study written by Adam J. Rock, Julie Beischel, and Christopher C. Cott. It was a study that tested the reliability of a handful of mediums through questionnaires, psychology tests, interviews, and readings. The results of the study showed that the mediums did possess a certain emotion to the people presented with the readings. There will always be the skeptics and it could just be a something you believe in or not. There is no scientific evidence that is saying, “yes, it is real” or “no, it is not real.” I think it is about your experience and trusting different people.

There is also a new television show called, Monica the Medium in which it stars a college student that attends Penn State and just so happens to be a medium. Next time you are walking downtown or on campus look out for Monica and see if you believe in it for yourself.