Can dogs make us happier?

After seeing the yellow labrador retriever puppy in the HUB I can’t help but miss the comfort of my own pup at home. Growing up with a dog it’s strange not constantly being in the presence of one. Anyone who has a dog knows that they are the most loving creatures on the planet. I personally think that nothing compares to the excitement that a dog has when they greet you after a long day and act like they haven’t seen you in a year. It’s no surprise to me that almost fifty-percent of Americans own dogs, whats not to love? How do dogs make us fall in love with them so easily? I decided to research further into the benefits of owning a dog and this is what I found……

Dog’s certainly can’t walk themselves and as owners know even on the coldest of winter mornings it’s their job to get up and walk them. If that’s not true love I don’t know what is. In an 2006 Canadian study it was found that people who owned dogs, “Walked an average of 300 minutes per week, compared with non-dog owners, who walked an average of 168 minutes per week” (Jacques, Renee). Even if its just a quick walk it still counts as exercise which is widely known for increasing mood.

Not only do dog owners release endorphins while walking their dogs, they are also more likely to be involved with their community and the people in it. This was found in a recent study at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University  which found that you are almost forced to socialize with people when you have a cute, furry, friend, by your side. People are bound to ask the age, breed, and birthplace of your pooch or they might just ask to say hi.

In addition to potentially giving you a better social life, just being with your pup can boost your mood immensely. In a study done in 2009 by Miho Nagasawa of Azabu University in Japan proved that ones level of oxytocin largely increased after being in the presence a dog.

It’s been proven I think that many of these benefits of owning a dog are over looked. After reading more into the benefits its definitely understandable how a dog owner might not think anything of their frequent morning walk or small talk with neighbors. Our dogs might be bringing a lot more  to the table for us than we originally thought.



7 thoughts on “Can dogs make us happier?

  1. Samantha Marie Grillo

    I agree that dogs make us happy. Every time I see dogs on campus I get so happy and excited. It was interesting to learn that dog owners release endorphins when they walk their dogs. There definitely needs to be more dogs on campus.

  2. Analeigh Joy Crisanti

    The title of this blog caught my attention immediately. It is always such a high point of my day if I get to come across a little puppy on this big campus. The concept behind having a dog and letting it live in your home seems so far off but once a person experiences it, nothing is better. I think that dogs definitely provide us with way more than we could ever provide them.

  3. Analeigh Joy Crisanti

    The title of this blog caught my attention immediately. It is always such a high point of my day if I get to come across a little puppy on this big campus. The concept behind having a dog and letting it live in your home seems so far off but once a person experiences it, nothing is better. I think that dogs definitely provide us with way more than we could ever provide them.

  4. Analeigh Joy Crisanti

    The title of this blog caught my attention immediately. It is always such a high point of my day if I get to come across a little puppy on this big campus. The concept behind having a dog and letting it live in your home seems so far off but once a person experiences it, nothing is better. I think that dogs definitely provide us with way more than we could ever provide them.

  5. Analeigh Joy Crisanti

    The title of this blog caught my attention immediately. It is always such a high point of my day if I get to come across a little puppy on this big campus. The concept behind having a dog and letting it live in your home seems so far off but once a person experiences it, nothing is better. I think that dogs definitely provide us with way more than we could ever provide them.

  6. Kelsey Donehower

    I agree. This article made my really miss my dog. I believe that they can make us happy, because overtime I am with my dog, I am happy. I definitely am more social when I take my dog on a walk than I would’ve thought, which is good. People stop me and as what kind of dog she is and tells me she’s cute, which makes me happy. I saw that puppy in the HUB and almost started crying because a) it was so cute and happy and b) it made me think of my dog. Dogs (and any pets in general) just have such a positive impact on human’s lives and makes us better well-beings!

  7. Shannon Rose Beam

    This article caught my attention because I miss my dog very much. I never knew that ” owners release endorphins while walking their dogs”. Also, dogs definitely boost one’s social life. My mom, for example, walks my dog every morning, with all the other neighborhood dog. She always comes back with some type of gossip. The reality is she shouldn’t be out there walking, with it wasn’t for my dog Lilly. This is acrticle for the NY times is very relevant to your blog,

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