Is Phone Addiction a Thing?

In the past, I have been asked the question “Are you addicted to your phone?”. I have never know how to answer. I use my phone every day- does that make me an addict? If so, then I know hundreds of other addicts as well. I check my phone at least every hour and a lot of the time every few minutes. I spend a lot of time texting, snap chatting, surfing safari and using countless other apps on my phone. But what defines addiction? Is it really possible to be addicted to your phone? And if so, is it bad for us?


The definition of “addiction” according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary is “a strong and harmful need to regularly have something or do something”. While no one really answers the questions “Is phone addiction real?”, by this definition I believe it is. Psychology Today says that if you feel anxious when your phone is not near or you are not checking your phone, you may have an addiction. There are warning signs such as feeling imaginary vibrations, commonly known as “phantom vibrations“. Another sign is tuning out others around you. Some also see failing school as a sign of phone addiction. However, I think there is a possibility for reverse causality. I think that prior poor grades could lead to increased phone usage and even addiction due to looking up answers or simply giving up on work.

Whether it is addiction or not, a clear increase in phone usage can be seen. A study even shows that people are now using their phones during sex. One in ten out of the study admitted to phone usage during sex. One out of five people from the age of 18-34 admitted to it. I find these to be alarming rates for something so outrageous. While it may be the most surprising, the bedroom is not the only new place phone usage is increasing. Checking emails or texts at the dinner table and in restaurants is becoming the norm as well when in previous years it was considered completely unacceptable.

While no one has a final answer on the matter, I believe that the definition fits all too well. I think phone addiction is a real thing and may even affect me. As far as the question of whether it is bad for us, I think it can easily be seen as harmful along with more common addictions. I think being distracted by our phones only detracts from our reality. We miss the important things around us and are deprived of significant interactions. This could easily become a recognized social problem in the future.

7 thoughts on “Is Phone Addiction a Thing?

  1. Marisa Rose Defilippo

    Phone addiction is definitely not a myth and is so prevalent throughout todays society. Your blog mentions some great points and even though I hate to admit it I am addicted to my phone. It was so interesting to read about “phantom vibrations” because this happens to me so much and Im glad that I’m not the only one that experiences this. I feel that technology definitely is a love hate relationship since it is so fun and useful but it also is so time absorbing.

  2. Reid Baker

    Phone addiction is absolutely a thing and everyone our age suffers from it. I always feel like I’m not on my phone too often until I get it taken away or I’m not allowed to use it and I can feel myself start to shake. My phone is a vital part of my life and I don’t know what I would do without it.

  3. Lauren Ann Heess

    I think this post brings up a great point, that phone use in today’s society is an addiction. People are insane when it comes to how much time they spend on their phones. Most people our age can’t even go 10 minutes without looking at them. Even adults are starting to use them excessively. I know for myself, if I can’t find my phone, I start to panic because I know I have so much to lose on it such as pictures, messages, etc. and I’m sure other people do the same. I also agree with your post that too many people miss out on experiences, because they are too busy checking their phones, which is sad. I guess we just have to accept that people are addicted to their cellphones, because they’re not going away.

  4. Daniel Joseph Depaulo

    Phone addiction is definitely a real thing. As humans we can basically become addicted to anything, even if there is nothing inherently addictive about it. Here is an article from that further discusses what I am talking about. In any event, having a phone can be a temptation, but as long as it doesn’t interfere with more important things in life, it should be fine.

  5. jqr5447

    This blog was very interesting. I also think that phone addiction is a real thing. I know that I am a part of that 58% that checks their phones every hour at least. People these days need to read posts like these to realize how much they are using their phones.

  6. jqr5447

    This blog was very interesting. I also think that phone addiction is a real thing. I know that I am a part of that 58% that checks their phones every hour at least. People these days need to read posts like these to realize how much they are using their phones.

  7. jqr5447

    This blog was very interesting. I also think that phone addiction is a real thing. I know that I am a part of that 58% that checks their phones every hour at least. People these days need to read posts like these to realize how much they are using their phones.

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