It Is All In The Eyes

Being criminology major, crime and killers always attract me and I always wonder and analyze things about what makes a killer a killer. Is it the way their brain is develop, a secret desire for pain, or just a lust of seeing hateful acts done to other people. I always wondered what made a killer a killer. Is it the look in their eyes or is it the way that the brain is developed? Is it genetics or is it something that they adapt?


They always said watch out for the quite ones. Well, being extremely antisocial is definitely one of the signs of a killer. It is said that if a person becomes social to then anti social is a sign of a psycho. There was a guy, Ed Gein, a loner who did not speak to anyone but his religious and abusive mother. His mother would punish him anytime he would try to make friends. When his mother died, Gein started digging graves of women, looking for any body parts that resembled his mother to make a “woman suit”.

Another characteristic is torturing small animals. Children who like to torture animals such as squirrels, birds, cats, dogs, and fish without showing remorse is a early sign of sociopaths. It shows that they love the control of others’ lives and with the animals they are able to have that power.

Other characteristics include child abuse physically, mentally, and sexually. Usually they happen by close family members. The feeling that they feel is what they like to see in their victim, the helplessness in their eye and the humiliation. Aileen Wuornos was a prostitute serial killer that lured male hitchhikers. Her grandfather sexually abused her after her mother abandoned her at age four.killers brains

More characteristics of killers include substance abuse, voyeurism, intelligence, shiftlessness, poor family life, and arson but as I was researching these characteristics are not as genetic but more so a development due to the lack of love and nurturing. So due to the lack of nurturing that a child should receive, the brain begins to develop oppositely causing the killers to be gruesome, and psycho.