Turbulent Truth in Trust

Confusion. Purpose. Heaven. Hell. Adam. Eve. Union. Government. Bonded. Alone.

These are some of the reoccurring words that pop up in my head when I am asked the question of why we exist. There are two types of people; those whose search for definition, and those that define themselves. The common denominator they share is curiosity. Curiosity drives us as humans and allows us to really cultivate our personality through experience. Now of course I could go into details about nature vs. nurture, but forget that cause the school system has already shoved that far enough down your throats. It’s been said that trust is established at 18 months of age through mother-infant interactions, but to me thats bull crap. Now I am not saying that ones caregiver doesn’t teach them a lot, or most of their definition, but at the same time, as humans we are constantly losing ourselves to only be found on the corner of a new journey. In times that we are lost, the feeling is unescapable and we churn in lakes that cannot be dried out. We lose a lot, some more than others, so I refuse to be categorized as to when an individual determines their capacity to trust. The elite, but now deceased psychoanalyst, Erik Erickson would probably go into his Theory of Development. He would defend his stage of trust vs. mistrust and stand by his belief that ones development is life long, but you cannot tell me a humans will to trust is determined in only the ages from 18 months to three years. If the world does not meet my needs as a child, I get the fact that it stays in my subconscious mind, but mistrust from ones older age is completely aware information. Our minds are just constantly observing, dissecting, and analyzing information so quickly that when we do have access to what has made us unable to trust, it is much easier to indulge in. It’s no wonder Erik Erickson named himself the son of him self….. Ignorance is bliss. 😉