Liquid water flowing on Mars today?

NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) provides evidence that liquid water flows on Mars, today.  This article once again, reiterates the mind-blowing intelligence and innovation within the field of science.  Upon reading this title, I wondered how in the world they could come to this conclusion through satellite data.  Using an imaging spectrometer, MRO was able to detect signatures of hydrated minerals on slopes where unidentified streaks are seen.

John Grunsfeld, astronaut and associate administer of NASA, enthusiastically wants to follow the water in search of life.  How cool would that be?


While such fantasy is intriguing, we must remember that Mars is a frigid world with a thin atmosphere.  Any life on this planet would most likely be microbial.  Grunsfeld’s idea to follow water in search of life led to the discovery of a pattern.  These downhill flows prove a recurring slope.  Additionally, hydrated salts were only observed when seasonal features were widest.  Grunsfeld’s conclusion was that observed dark streaks are involved in a hydration-forming process.  In other words, water plays a vital role in developing the streaks observed on NASA’s MRO.  In order to definitively investigate such conclusions, Lujendra Ojaha from Georgia’s Institute of Technology conducted a high resolution imaging science experiment.  In order to cross reference all twelve sites (which showed streaks), Ojha paired the site images with mineral mapping.  Furthermore, Ojha realized that signatures of hydrated salts at multiple locations were caused by hydrated minerals called perchlorates.  These are mixtures of magnesium perchlorate, magnesium chlorate, and sodium perchlorate; which confirms the makeup of water.  I am excited to hear this news; it is the first time perchlorate has been identified from orbit.  Such news proves a stride in technological advancement (considering we have never recognized perchlorate before) and consequently generates curiosity about the next step.  Will we further investigate the formation of these sites?  And how will we be able to further investigate?  Will we need more scientific advancement or do we have the tools to definitively investigate this matter?



