Man able to walk again after years of paralysis

Paraplegia can be defined as the loss of motor or sensory functions in areas of the body normally coordinated by neurological segments.  These losses are usually caused by neurological damage within the spinal cord.  Until recently, such condition offered a series of obstacles, with little to no solution.  The probability of being able to walk, was zero.

paraplegia cured!

On September 23, 2015 history was made; A man with complete paralysis (paraplegia) in both legs, walked.  Amazed by the title of this article, I investigated immediately.  How could science solve neurological damage to the spinal cord or nervous system!?  To somebody with little to no background in scientific knowledge, the explanation seemed very logical.  First, the experimenters used an electroencephalogram based system (EEG).  This system took electric signals from the participants brain, and coordinated them to travel down to electrodes placed around the patients knees.  Repeating such pattern, the patient was elevated off the ground (roughly 5cm) and repeteadly tested.  After twenty visits, the patient began to independently walk with their legs suspended above the ground.

Dr. An Do from the University of Califronia, Irvine described this scientific achievement as “restoring intuition.”  I found this explanation incredibly moving towards the field of science in general.  Metaphorically speaking; say paraplegia was a failure to start, the tires being our legs.  Following the logic of the electroencephalogram based system, these experimenters essentially jumpstarted a body!


Attached below, you will find a video of this great scientific accomplishment.

If scientists can replicate the results of this study on other patients, our society will be able to significantly improve the life of those disabled by spinal cord injuries.  While living in a wheel chair is incredibly inconvenient, it is equally unhealthy.  Forcibly sitting in a wheel chair has proven to lead to a variety of medical complications including: osteoporosis, heart disease, respiratory illness, and the formation of pressure ulcers.  I sincerely hope that this recent success will spread amongst patients who are inconvenienced by this horrible condition.





