How Beneficial Is Working Out For One’s Mental Health?

How beneficial is working out for one’s mental health? According to most studies, exercise and healthy minds go hand in hand.


In a clinical randomized control trial conducted by researchers, Frank Penedo and Jason Dahn, the connection between exercise and mental health was evaluated. The results showed that the more one worked out, the healthier mood and mental state the individual was in. The study included participants from a variety of races and social economic backgrounds. Furthermore, the study was conducted on both men and women. As a result, sex, race and economic background cannot be considered an “z” variable. This trial did consider obesity, cancer and cardiovascular disease. In a similar study done by Carlyle H Folkins and Wesley E Sime, both scientists observed that physical training on a regular basis causes more efficient work and study skills, better moods and a better self awareness. Thomas Stephens preformed a meta-anaylsis on four previously analyzed surveys regarding mental health and exercise. The feedback of the study showed that those who worked out had lower levels of stress and anxiety. As a result, working out does in fact increase mental health as those who engage in physical activity more often than others generally have more positive moods.

Working out leads to a healthier mind for several reasons. The number one reason is that exercise greatly reduces stress. Although when students or workers are bombarded with work-causing them to be stressed-and couldn’t imagine finding any time in their busy schedules to fit in a workout, it is actually extremely beneficial to do so. When one works out, stress is relieved as the release of nor-epinephrine is greatly increased. Nor-epinephrine is a natural chemical in the brain that controls the brain’s reaction to great amounts of stress.  After an intense workout, BDNF is released, which is a protein which the brain is normally deprived of. BDNF helps one make more conscious, well though out decisions while also helping to reach higher levels of thinking and analysis. As a result, working out while in extremely stressful situations can help reduce stress and clear your mind.


In addition to reducing stress, working out helps individuals become more motivated and more focused. Working out helps the brain start flowing. After a workout, creativity levels in individuals are increased for up to almost two hours following the workout. In addition, exercise sharpens your ability to retain information. During a workout, the hippocamus is stimulated. The hippocamus helps with memory and ability to learn new information. In one study, students were conducted to do sprints before being asked to memorize a list of vocabulary. Those who did sprints before the vocabulary memorization test preformed better than those who did not work out beforehand. Furthermore, exercising can help lead to a better mental health as working out creates new brain cells in a process called neurogensis. The creation of new brain cells leads to healthier and more efficient brains which in turn leads to a greater mental health.

In addition to developing a strong brain in regards to stress levels and motivation and concentration levels, working out can help individuals live lives in a healthier mental state through the release of endorphins. Endorphines are released during a workout and cause “happy” feelings in those exercising. Euphoria is created through endorphins. In fact, in an article done by the HuffingtonPost, it was stated that in some instances, exercise is just as effective, if not more effective, than anti-depressant medicines as a result of the release of endorphins.


Although working out can seem like a pain-it is well worth the pain. Not only does working out help increase mental happiness by engendering a greater self confidence through looking and feeling better- but it also helps maintain a higher level of mental health. Next time you are stressed out or just not feeling yourself-head to the gym! A good workout can do wonders.

One thought on “How Beneficial Is Working Out For One’s Mental Health?

  1. Cassidy Paige Heiserman

    This post was very interesting, and it all relates to my real-life experiences. I have noticed that when I work out, I am so much happier than when I do not. When I go through those “slumps” of not going to the gym for a few days in a row, I feel awful. Sometimes when I am in a bad mood I look forward to going to the gym, knowing that I will feel better after. I think that another reason that is not mentioned on why working out can help improve your mental health relates to sleeping. Being active throughout the day will drastically help improve your sleeping. I can relate to this as on lazy days where I do nothing except watch movies, I have a really hard time sleeping at night. On the other hand, when I have busy days and workout, I sleep like a baby. There have been multiple studies conducted on this theory and you can read about one here.

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