One of the biggest stories that has recently come about is the news about there being free flowing water on Mars. This is not the first time that scientists have discussed the presence of water on the red planet. In 2013, scientists were aware of ice located below the surface of Mars and of the past presence of liquid water above ground due to the presence of now dry riverbeds. Evidence supports the theory that ancient Martian rivers formed as a result of precipitation. However, for a long time scientist were unsure about the existence of liquid water on the presence of Mars.
So how did the scientists at NASA find evidence of free flowing water on Mars? Through the use of an imaging spectrometer on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter NASA scientists were able to discover evidence of hydrated minerals in areas where there are strange dark streaks. The dark streaks seem to change over time in accordance with seasons, and it is believed that streaks themselves are liquid water or are formed by liquid water. The streaks seem to only exist during spring and summer, and to disappear in the fall and winter.
Due to Mars’ thin atmosphere water can boil at temperatures as low as 10 degrees Celsius. But water that is attached to salts does not evaporate. The exact source of the water is still unclear. It is possible that salt absorb water vapor from the atmosphere, forming pools. Another potential source is underground aquifers that freeze and thaw according to the seasons. The presence of underground aquifers would have a great deal of scientific significance because it would increase the possibility of the existence of biological life on Mars, as an underground aquifer would be more stable than the surface water above ground. However, scientists are still unsure about the presence of microbial life on Mars. Nevertheless, with this new discovery the calls to send humans to Mars will only grow greater.
This is all great but if we know there is water underneath the rocky surface of mars what is stopping us from cracking the planes surface to obtain the said water to see if mars can support life? This information indeed does spark a interest in most people curiosity to see if Mars would be better or said best place to be since of all the horrors in the world.