New and Improved: The Condom

The Japanese condom industry is boasting their brand new break-through in condom technology. These condoms are thinner than razors and even thinner than the condoms being sold here in America at 0.06 millimeters. These newest condoms by Japan’s first condom company ever, Sagami, are reported to be 0.01 millimeters. This makes them the thinnest condoms in the world.

These condoms have broken the Guinness World Record.

These condoms have broken the Guinness World Record.

Why are condom companies out to create the very thinnest condom? Because, according to most people, condoms are not very pleasurable for men or women. This website even offers advice to the women who find it uncomfortable to use a condom. These days, it isn’t just men who would prefer not to wear one. Some women say that they are a nuisance for them too. In fact, here in America, Bill Gates is undergoing extensive research to figure out a way to create a thin and less cumbersome condom design. Bill Gates says that he is looking to make condoms almost like a second skin. The New York Daily Times says, “Billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates said Thursday progress is being made on developing a “next-generation” ultra-thin, skin-like condom that could offer better sexual pleasure, help population control and be financed by first-world investors,”. In this statement, there was no emphasis put upon the basic things that a condom are supposed to help fight against. Yes they slightly mentioned that these new condoms would help to prevent pregnancy. But what the Daily News stressed most about these condoms is that they are ideal for pleasure and will be ‘financed by first-world investors’. Not once did they bring up that these condoms are supposed to help fight against STDs. The main purpose of condoms is being lost when it comes to these newest leaps and bounds in condom technology. Japan is already ahead of the game with their newest condom design but no one is worried about the safety of these thinner-than-ever condoms. And thats the scary part. Sagami contests that, before releasing their newest and thinnest condom, they underwent many tests to make sure that they still were fully capable of complete contraceptive purposes.


These tests include water leak tests (filling condoms with 10 ounces of water and checking for leaks), tensile tests (testing how far the band at the shaft of the condom stretches), and airburst tests (seeing at what volume of air inside the condom that the condom bursts). Many companies are now trying to beat Japan in how thin they can make their condoms. In fact, a few companies have already come close to or beat Sagami’s innovative condom design and made their condoms even thinner. But I think people are putting their pleasure before their protection in this case. Condoms are around for the sole purpose of protecting sexually-active people from STDs and pregnancy. They are not to be used as pleasure enhancing objects. Although pleasure can definitely be a bonus, I feel like condom manufacturers are losing sight of that simple fact. Pleasure in a condom is a bonus.


Their first job and priority is to make condoms as safe as possible for consumers, even if that means making them thicker then just 0.01 millimeters. I do believe that these condoms were not released onto the market without making 100% sure that they are safe for use. But there have been no personal or anecdotal accounts to confirm or deny that these thin condoms can  break easily and/or fully serve their contraceptive purpose. I think there should be some research on the topic. Right now, all we’re seeing are the factory statistics. And who knows if they are exaggerating their test conclusions just so they can hurry up and get their product on the market and say that they beat the Guinness World Record for the thinnest condoms? There are so many people using condoms that need to know how safe their condoms actually are. Yeah they can be uncomfortable for some people and yeah you would much rather grab the thinnest ones so that you can barely feel them, but please keep in mind the reason you’re even buying the condom. To keep you and your partner safe.


3 thoughts on “New and Improved: The Condom

  1. Ka Ki Kwok

    Your post is really interesting and I never know that Bill Gate is sponsoring the making of new condoms. I do agree with your point that people are neglecting the real use of condoms. I think there might be ‘file drawer problems’ later on when there are experiments on the new condoms because companies may hide the failed experiments and only provide public the ones that prove the condom safe. Consumers may be tricked to buy the new ones.

  2. Grace Cuffel

    Really interesting post! I 100% with your statement about how condoms aren’t supposed to be pleasure enhancing. They’re supposed to protect from STD’s and unwanted pregnancy. I think it’s crazy that companies are trying to go thinner than 0.01millimeters, and even crazier that these condoms were put on the market without enough real life testing. I would much rather use a slightly thicker condom and be 100% sure that i’m not going to get pregnant.

  3. Stephanie Michelle Friedman

    This is a very interesting blog post. I agree that being the safest is the best and comfort<safety is the best way to be. I think it is cool Japan is trying to create something more comfortable but at the same time I think they should do a lot of trials to make sure it is just as safe as a normal condom. I do agree with you though that safety is first.

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