One of the healthies food, Kimchee

Kimchi is a very popular food that may represent the daily food in Korea. It is a side made by cabbage and always appear in meals for Korean. Me personally also enjoy this food a lot, and it is one of the food that helped me a lot when losing weight. However, this food not only have benefits, but it may also cause harm to human body.

First of all, let us look into the benefits. Kimchee is a food that is low-calorie and low-fat. According to Calories King, 100 grams of kimchee only contains 27 calories. This low-calorie and delicious food helps people to be taking less calories that support weight losing. Additionally, besides the reason of low-calories, the use of kimchee to boost a person’s metabolism may also helps to lose weight by burning more energy. And this is caused by the capsaicin found in side the chili used to make kimchee. According to an article on Natural Society, capsaicin  is found as helpful to boost thermogenesis, which is the rate that human burns their body fat. Scientist also conducted an experiment by separating rats into three groups, with one control group. One of the groups is treated with high-fat diet with the capsaicin and one is not. The results turns out that even all three groups gain more weight in the future, but the group with capsaicin gained 8 percent less than the others.

The second benefit of having kimchee is that it will improve the immune system of a human. Due to the research of Professor Rina Yu, eating kimchee helps the body to increase the antibodies and makes the immune cells more active. By using rats as experiment again, the Research Institute at Pusan National University conducted an experiment on the activity of the immune cells after having High Cholesterol Diet, High Cholesterol Diet plus Red Hot Pepper powder, Normal Diet and High Cholesterol Diet plus Kimchi. The result turns out to be that there are approximately 75 percent of immune cells are active after having the High Cholesterol Diet plus Kimchi, comparing to 55 percent with the High Cholesterol Diet. This 20 percent higher on the activity of the immune cells improves the immune system by a lot and will make a very huge difference.

Nowadays, phones are things that people can not live without, but at the same time it may cause damage to people’s eyes. And that leads to the third benefit that I want to talk about is the eating of kimchee make help to keep the healthy eye-sight with the large amount of vitamin A. Vitamin A plays very important roles in human body in bone growth, reproduction and immune system health. And it is also useful on keeping the vision of a person healthy. Inside 100 grams of kimchee, it contains about 18 percent of vitamin A that a person should have. This large amount of vitamin A helps people to be healthier , but no excess amount of vitamin A is suggested since by taking excess amount of vitamin A, it is going to be toxic. However, one great bacteria that is contained in Kimchee also plays a important role on making human body healthier which is the lactobacilli. It is a bacteria that can help human body to obtain a right amount of bacteria inside the body that is a very step to keep human body healthy, or minerals and vitamins will never help. Besides the benefit I talked about, there are also other benefits due to the article in Organic Facts  which are help to improve cardiovascular health and digestive system.

On the other hand, some people may argues that eating kimchee will actually cause cancer. According to an experiment conducted by Lee JK et al at Hanyang University, Korea, they found out that the heavy salted food and using cooking methods such as broiling and salting can be tied with the consequence of having stomach cancer.
However, even kimchee may cause people to have cancer, but this does not mean to move it off from the table and never eat it. In my opinion, if people eat any of the food in a large amount, it may cause danger to a human body. Such as the blog I saw that mentioned even drinking large amount of water may cause people to be sick. By preventing stomach cancer, according to the American Cancer Society, they suggested people to eat more fresh fruit and vegetables in order to prevent it. Therefore, it may benefit people a lot by eating kimchee once in a while, but it still may harm you if you eat too much everyday.

One thought on “One of the healthies food, Kimchee

  1. Nicolette Lynn Brown

    This blog is really interesting because I am always in to finding new healthy foods, and Kimchee seems to have a lot of benefits. Its pretty shocking that after all the benefits you listed that the final thing is it can cause cancer. Thats really a downer, but I agree with you on the fact that any huge amount of something can lead to something bad. Your comment about water reminded me of the fact I was told by my dogs vet, that a lot of water can cause a dog’s stomach to twist, which is very bad. Totally random but it goes to show that some things that we consider healthy can be very bad in excess. If you enjoy this food as a side from time to time, I agree your health should be fine.

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