Does Ginger Decrease Nausea?

After having a bad stomach virus this past week, I looked online for many home remedies that could help with nausea. Here are a few things that I found that help nausea. 

  • Apples
  • Saltines/Crackers
  • Water
  • Nuts
  • Chicken broth
  • Gatorade
  • Bananas
  • Mint
  • and Ginger

I never thought ginger would be helpful with nausea, so I raised the question to see if it actually does.


In one study, ginger was used to test motion sickness. The subjects to this study were 80 new sailors, who were prone to motion sickness. Half of the group was given powdered ginger and the other half was given a placebo. Researchers found out that, “those who took powdered ginger had less vomiting and cold sweats compared to those who took placebo.” Since this study was very small it is hard to make any conclusions.

Another study was conducted with pregnant women and the relationship with nausea. Thirty pregnant women who had severe nausea were given either 1 gram of ginger every day for 4 days or the placebo. Women who took the ginger supplement reported that they had more relief than the other women who received the placebo. The study was later conducted again with 70 pregnant women, and similar findings were accounted for. Those who were given the ginger reported less vomiting and nausea and the others who were given the placebo still had severe nausea.


Many people who go through chemotherapy experience nausea and vomiting. In one particular study, patients were randomly assigned 0.5 grams, 1.0 gram, or 1.5 grams of ginger or just a placebo. These were given to the patients along with Zofran (anti-nausea medicine), three days before the patient’s first day of chemotherapy.

Researchers found that the patients who were given the 0.5 grams of ginger and the 1.0 gram of ginger ranked their nausea on a scale of 1 or 2 out of a 7 point scale. The patients who were given the placebo reported nausea at a 4 to 5 on the scale where 7 was the highest rating of nausea.

So what does this mean? There is no certain data that tells us there is a correlation between ginger and its ability to help stop nausea but this is due to lack of studies on this topic. In order to conclude anything further, we need more research to be done on this topic. Otherwise, when you are feeling nauseas, I recommend grabbing some saltines and a bottle of ginger ale !


12 thoughts on “Does Ginger Decrease Nausea?

  1. Wayson Wu

    Interesting topics on ginger that would be able to benefit you in some way. And I was thinking about if there are actually side effects or disadvantages when eating ginger, so I did some further research. One of the rumor that is told by others about ginger may be the increasing in bile production, but it is not really proved by the scientist. And there is also a minor side effect to have heartburn or stomach upset. But overall, the benefit of having ginger is way more than the minor side effects. But nothing is suggested to eat a lot, so just enjoy it in the right amount.

  2. Elizabeth Sweitzer

    Whenever I was sick, my mom would always tell me to drink ginger ale because it would help to settle my stomach. It’s good to know that ginger helps, but I found an interesting article that suggests that there is not real ginger extract in ginger ale and that it is all artificial flavoring. This would be an interesting way to expand upon this and see if there is real ginger it, and if there is, is there enough ginger to be considered enough to help nausea?

  3. Leah Emily Tancer

    Growing up, my mom always gave me ginger when I felt sick, which actually helped a lot! I thought the studies you found were really great indicators of the effect ginger has on a nauseous individual. I did some further research and found that ginger also helps with motion sickness. This is a great remedy for people who have to go on boats or long car rides, but get motion sick easily. The University of Maryland Medical Center also says that ginger may reduce cholesterol and reduce blood clotting. I guess ginger really is a magic root!

  4. czc5448

    I definitely agree with your conclusion and this blog is very relevant because of how often college students can get sick. My mom knows a lot about health and when she had me start taking ginger to help my sickness, I thought she was crazy. Needless to say ginger actually worked really well. I think ginger definitely helps people recover from sickness but it would be interesting to see how exactly ginger helps with is. Also, if there are any third variables involved and how they would affect making people feel better?

  5. Alexander William Beitel

    This post was very interesting as I have heard many people tell me that ginger is a good relief for nation sickness and stomach pain. I thought that the studies you included appeared to be performed in an efficient manner using a Placebo group to test the effects of ginger. I was also surprised to see that there is not correlation between ginger and stomach ailments due to the fact that these experiments appeared to be performed well.

  6. Brooke Kaiden

    This was interesting because I never even heard that ginger can help with nausea. I like your research and I really hope that they do more sties to see if it does actually help. I get nauseous all the time especially in cars and sometimes when I eat certain foods, so knowing that ginger will help with the nausea would be amazing. It is funny that you put a picture of ginger ale in your post because when I get nauseous I always drink ginger ale because it makes me feel better. I know that the bubbles help me and my stomach but it is interesting that I was taught to always go for a ginger ale when your nauseous rather than any other soda, but when that fails I go for the diet coke. Like I said, I really hope they do more research cause I am very interested to see what they find.

  7. Natalia P Loureiro

    It seems that ginger may have wonderful health benefits. Oriental societies have longs used ginger to treat a variety of ailments. It seems ginger can also be associated with pain relieving benefits. According to Medical News Daily , a study at the University of Georgia and the relationship between ginger and pain relief was conducted on 75 volunteers in which it was learned that daily consumption of ginger reduced exercise induced muscle fatigue by 25%. So really this plant may be miraculous in aiding us with our ailments. More studies have to be conducted but overall it is awesome to know there might be natural remedies out there.

  8. Angelique L Santiago

    I definitely agree with you final conclusion that if one is feeling nauseous they should grab saltines and ginger ale due to the fact that there hasn’t been enough studies to prove that ginger helps with nausea. However, this blog did get me thinking about ginger snap cookies. I know that your findings have very little support, but you did say that pregnant women had some relief. So, how about ginger snap cookies? Imagine being able to cure yourself with something as good as a ginger snap cookie? That would be great. I was so interested that I did a little bit more research. You can take a look at this link if you want:)

  9. Courtney Taylor

    Interesting topic! I never would’ve guessed that ginger could be so helpful, but your studies seem to leave little room for speculation. Whenever I had an upset stomach as a kid, my mom always had me drink Coca-Cola (article), but according to this article in light of your research, maybe she should’ve been giving me ginger ale. Maybe both drinks have some similarities that prompt people to use them to help upset stomachs.

  10. clh5719

    This is great. My mom is from the Caribbean and we normally use ginger as an additive in tea or juice for the same reason illness (also because it taste good!). But nevertheless, you not only have accuracy as the comment above states, you are able to pin point and bring an understanding through you source inclusions. It makes sense that there’s not much studies done on the case unfortunately, science seems to be focused on coming up with more life impacting discoveries for hard endpoints.

  11. Amanda Lynn Graham

    My friend just had her first child less than a month ago, and all throughout her pregnancy she had awful morning sickness. So, of course I went online and googled home remedies to help. Seldomly do I think that these are actually gonna work, but if they don’t hurt then it’s worth a try. I found the studies on ginger helping with nausea. I mean it make sense, when you have an upset stomach they always say drink ginger ale it will settle it, so one would think real ginger would help. She tried it and it actually worked! Here is the website I found the idea for ginger for my friend when I researched it.

  12. awk5516

    I used to get horrible motion sickness and my mom started making me take ginger pills. at first i was confused but then i actually started to feel better. I also drink ginger ale every time i feel nauseous and it always helps. So based on personal experience i would say this blog is very accurate!

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