Sleep, should we value it?

Get at least six hours of sleep a night is probably the most common advice that we have heard since we were kids. But as the time pass by, the sleep is a thing that we don’t value so much. A difficult assignment can easily block our plan of six hours sleep time, or a late night party can destroy the healthy biological clock that we develop. As growing to adults, we value less and less to the sleep, and should we really value the certain amount of sleep time, or just waste of time?


Sleep is really a issue that we should not only value but put strong attention on it. Not getting enough sleep can cause the distortion of one’s mind, like can’t remember the things that should be remembered, or can’t concentrate or focus on certain tasks. The studies shows the results that “Lack of sleep can hinder you from thinking clearly and keeping your emotions at an even keel. ” The sleepy can reduce the efficiency of the work performance, and it will easily cause one to get negative emotions like depression or anxious.

However, there are another group of people said that sleep is needed but not that much, and as long as the body feels comfortable and enough, the rest of the sleep time is wasting. It reminds me the theory of Da Vinci sleep, which is separate the whole amount of sleep time into difference pieces, like “taking a 20-minute nap roughly every four hours”. Based on the many research on its theory, the results are so varied. Some of people only need 3 or 4 hours sleep time to maintain the energy they need, but some of people are like sticking on the bed to have over 10 hours sleep time. There can only be explained that, it is a coincident that smart people like Thomas Edison or Da Vinci sleep less than others. To be honest, if we follow the rules of Da Vinci sleep, we can’t even sure that we can really fall asleep during the middle 20 minutes. At least, if i were the case, my body will feel exhausted.


In the conclusion, there will always be exceptions on any research subjects. We can only say that the sleep is a important factor than should be valued for most of people. People do not need to “act” smarter to eliminate their sleep time, or people can be more effective on work to finish the task on time and get enough sleep time. As a student in college, we can only try our best to earn more sleep time from the tons of assignments.



5 thoughts on “Sleep, should we value it?

  1. Amy Rosenzweig

    Personally, I love sleep so this topic reeled me in right away. I find it interesting that there are even researchers that say sleep isn’t important. This is because I constantly hear how important sleep is and that it’s key to your success and performance every day. I like how you provided both points of view on sleep because it got me thinking about the topic a little differently than what’s been drilled in my head about how important sleep is. I wonder what would happen in a longitudinal study on a few people who barely sleep and how they perform compared to those who sleep regularly. I’m sure the findings would be very interesting.

  2. Makeda A Drew

    Yes, sleep is very valuable to me personally. I do know some people who only sleep for 3 hours and are ok but for me i need 12 hours. Im always taking naps for the days i get less sleep that i want, but overrall sleep balances our body.

  3. Siyuan Yang

    Sleep is really important for us. It is the best way to relax our body. As college students, we all know the pain of lack of sleep, tiredness, despondency, and lack of interests in anything. The latest study shows that “sleeping allows our brain to clean themselves of toxins, and allows our muscles, bones, and organs to repair themselves. It also keeps our immune system healthy.” By the way, it is excited to see someone is researching about Da Vinci sleep schedule, because I have been working with that topic for several weeks. You may read my post if you are interested and we can discuss it deeper.

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  4. Siyuan Yang

    Sleep is really important for us. It is the best way to relax our body. As college students, we all know the pain of lack of sleep, tiredness, despondency, and lack of interests in anything. The latest study shows that “sleeping allows our brain to clean themselves of toxins, and allows our muscles, bones, and organs to repair themselves. It also keeps our immune system healthy.” By the way, it is excited to see someone is researching about Da Vinci sleep schedule, because I have been working with that topic for several weeks. You may read href=””>my post if you are interested and we can discuss it deeper.

  5. Stephen B Caruso

    Yes, we should value sleep. Sleep is a very important part of out every day routine. It helps keep our immune system strong and gives our whole body time to rest, especially our brain. I just posted a blog concerning sleep and studying. Through my extensive research I was able to conclude that it was much better to sleep instead of cram for an exam. The body and mind especially need time to recharge, and what better way than to sleep. If the sleep is not acquired the person will have difficulty concentrating and remembering information the following day, according to several studies i mentioned in my post. If you would like to check it out click here .

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