Why is Protein Vital In Muscle Growth?

If you have been on a college campus or around a gym I will guarantee you will see a multitude of guys walking around with oddly shaped bottles filled with an interesting colored liquid. These guys are most likely drinking a protein shake or some form of pre-workout. If you walked up to those guys and asked them, “Why do you drink protein shakes?” They would answer and say, “To get bigger.” At this point in time it is common knowledge that protein equates to gaining muscle and putting on body mass, but no one is aware of how the protein body building works and why it is so vital in producing muscle stature.


To everyone who thought added on protein gave an advantage was a myth or had a small effect, they were wrong. It is a fact, protein is the most influential aspect of building muscle mass. A study shows that muscles are created of protein and protein is integrated into every cell in the body. The study states, “Our body uses protein to build and repair tissues to make enzymes, hormones, and other body chemicals.” If there is a lack of protein in your diet you cannot build muscle, it is as simple as that. Certain foods have higher grams of protein and that is why body builders stress to keep a mass amount of those foods in your diet.

Protein, unlike other nutrients involved in your daily diet does not store in your body such as a fat or carbohydrate would. Everything your body does not need leaves the body as waste. That is why it is vital for people trying to gain muscle that they keep protein a part of their daily diet so it is effective as possible while in your body before the excrete of waste. Carbohydrates is the main energy source in the body, but when there is not enough carbohydrates involved in a diet its secondary source is protein that is built from muscle.


This leads to the consumption of protein shakes and how important they are in muscle mass. Protein shakes usually vary from somewhere around 30-60 grams of protein per serving. In a study, the average amount of protein intake a day should be around .36 grams per pound of body weight. As you can tell, protein shakes build muscle in their sole purpose of adding protein to one’s daily diet. An average male weighing 180 pounds should have an average protein intake of 500 grams per day based on this model. Protein is not just important in muscle growth, but also health.

Protein is in every cell of ones body and is vital in living. Protein is an alternative source for the energy consumption that occurs in your body. Strong muscles are not important enough to differentiate between a life or death situation, but they are so important when you get up there in age. WebMD says ligaments, muscles, and joints are all effected by protein and the more infused in your body, the longer you will be nimble throughout your lifetime. When every cell in a body is composed of this nutrient, it is a realization how important it is to be successful in gaining muscle mass. Those guys walking around college campuses may not know how protein intake works and how influential it is in muscle gain, but they are aware of the importance of it in everyday health.


1.) http://www.2buildmusclefast.com/2011/01/how-important-is-protein-to-build.html

2.) http://www.webmd.com/diet/healthy-kitchen-11/how-much-protein

3.) http://www.abc.net.au/health/talkinghealth/factbuster/stories/2011/08/18/3296409.htm

4.) https://theartofunity.com/how-much-protein-should-you-eat-per-day/


2 thoughts on “Why is Protein Vital In Muscle Growth?

  1. Amber Kay Shojaie

    This is an interesting blog post. I love bananas so I get plenty of protein. Check out this article all about protein. Protein benefits include:
    -Weight Loss
    -Assists in increasing in muscle mass
    -Assist in cancer treatment
    -Increase in glutathione levels (your body’s main water-based anti-oxidant)
    -Decrease in HIV symptoms
    -Decrease in triglycerides
    -Decrease in total cholesterol while increasing HDL (good cholesterol)
    -Increase in immune system function
    -Increase in power in sports
    -Decreased recovery time and symptoms of over-training

    But there are many risks of protein too.

  2. Alexander William Beitel

    As someone who goes to the gym regularly and drinks various protein supplements, I found this post to be very interesting. It is very true that not too many people understand the actual benefits from drinking protein. However, there are also many different kinds of protein shakes that all serve a different purpose which makes it more difficult to determine their true benefits. In order to offer a rebuttal, I have attached an article from Live strong explaining the negative long term affects that protein can have on the body. Some of those negative effects include heart damage and diabetes. However, an important factor to remember is that they are beneficial overall when consumed in moderation.

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