Are we going to die?

I often tell my friends and family that when I am about to die, I want to be put into a black hole.  Everyone gives me strange looks, and doesn’t understand why I would want that, but to me, it is the most fascinating thing in the entire universe.  We know so little about these black holes, and that is why I want to travel into one.  Maybe I will pop out in the 1800’s or maybe I will be stretched for the rest of eternity.  It is a risk I am willing to take. Now what do we actually know about black holes?

According to NASA, a black hole is a place in space where gravity pulls so much that even light can not get out.  A black hole is formed from a dying star.  Scientists have discovered that stars that are close to black holes behave differently than other stars. Black holes are made when the center of a very big star collapses.  There are actually different types of black holes.  The type of black hole that a just mentioned is a stellar black hole.  There is also supermassive black holes.  Scientists believe that supermassive black holes were created as the same time in which the galaxy that it is located was created.  Most scientists from NASA will say that nothing can escape from a black hole not even light.  I don’t know how they know this.  I know there have been many telescopes that have travelled into black holes, but if a person hasn’t travelled into one, how can they know for sure?  This is the primary question about black holes, and the issue that I wanted to bring forth.

“The instant you entered the black hole, reality would split in two. In one, you would be instantly incinerated, and in the other you would plunge on into the black hole utterly unharmed.”  This completely blows my mind.  I find it so fascinating and true.  There is so much we do not know about our universe.  Inside, it is theorized that, space and time cease to exist.  The Laws of Physics as we know them, no longer exist.  Please read the above article if you wish to learn more.  If black holes are truly black, how do we know they are there?   Black holes pull all of the surrounding light into it.  There are no black holes close enough to Earth to put us into danger, so don’t worry. If you click here, you will be able to see what a black hole would look like.  It describes the way that a black hole bends light, so it appears as if the stars are moving.  You may even see the same star twice on either side of the black hole because of the bending of its light.

There have been new studies where scientists have actually created their own black hole right here on Earth.  Before you start panicking, let me explain what they did.  It isn’t the black hole you are thinking of in space.  It is a table top black hole that mimics the curvature of space-time. I was actually sad to find out that they did not do this because they want to send a human into a black hole, but rather it could help improve solar panel energy, and make it more efficient.  When an electromagnetic wave hits the apparatus that they created, it will be trapped in the shell region towards the core, and not come back out.  They are trying to create their own black holes so that solar panels can literally suck sunlight from the atmosphere.  I think that they are a long way from succeeding in their ideas, but it is definitely plausible.  Another study similar to the one above is being done by the Large Hadron Collider who are working to collide particles to create a black hole.  People are again worried that a mess up could lead to the end of the world.  Stephen Hawking has suggested that even if a black hole is created, it will produce radiation.  If it is a microscopic black hole, it should just “evaporate.”  This is Stephen’s beliefs and no one knows if he is right or not.  Most black holes move so fast that they would just leave the Earth’s atmosphere, and it is unlikely that one would stay trapped under the Earth’s gravity.

I hope that through this blog, I was able to introduce the idea of Black Holes to you.  I hope you have as much of a passion for them as I do.  There is so much we need to learn about them, and that is why I am going to dedicate myself to science, and die in one, if someone doesn’t do it before me. This is what is said to be the view if you were traveling into a black hole