Will teeth whitening harm you?

When you look at another individual, what is the first thing you see? I know I always look at peoples smile, and most importantly their teeth. Good teeth can completely change a person’s appearance, and white teeth makes a great impact on how you look. So we all want to look attractive, but at what cost? Does whitening your teeth damage them? Are millions of dentists lining you up for financial disaster by whitening your teeth and then filling your cavities? Will you need to install crowns or veneers to hide damaged deteriorated teeth due to teeth whitening? I hope not, this information will be helpful when and if you take the plunge to whiten your smile.


White teeth make a difference

Let’s face it; you want family and friends to experience your true beauty every time they see you. First off, whitening your teeth is safe when used as directed. The American Dental Association suggests you consult with your dentist before whitening, but I always think that dentists would like to take your hard earned cash before buying cheaper products from the store, let’s face it, it’s a business being a dentist. You can pay hundreds of dollars for a professional to whiten your teeth or you can use an “at home kit” that can cost $15 to $80. Here’s what you can expect as far as side effects or complications from teeth whiteners, this goes for at home whiteners or products applied or bought at the dentist’s office. As mentioned in an article from the Cleveland Clinic, two common issues related to whitening your smile are mild gum irritation and tooth sensitivity. People often ask if whitening their teeth can damage enamel, and if used as directed, the answer is no. Most teeth whitening products work in minutes or even days, you can look at www.powerswabs.com or http://crest.com/en-us/3dwhite to see how whitening is quick and easy for any consumer.

A clinical trial was done to evaluate a light-enhanced in-office tooth whitening system in order to assess tooth color and safety, and they determined that after the treatment was completed, the use of light enhancement for in-office whitening leads to immediate color change, along with moderate-to-severe tooth sensitivity during and after treatment. There was increased tooth sensitivity during the treatment and for a short period following the treatment. There was no sign of any safety hazard, when used in small portions, although many people experienced sensitivity.

So go get that pearly white smile, walk down the street and show off your bright white choppers, because in the end, when you smile, it’s proven you improve your own mood and make other people smile back, making everyone who sees you happier.


Be Happy With a Bright White Smile

2 thoughts on “Will teeth whitening harm you?

  1. Kory M Barbanel

    I have always taken pride in my teeth so to learn that teeth whitening won’t harm me is a really interesting fact! I have always been scared that bleaching my teeth will lead to more cavities and more problems with them in the future, but learning that I was wrong is a great thing to know. I will deffinately check out one of the sites you suggested to bleach my teeth because appearance is important and if it is not going to harm me, and in home kits are inexpensive, then why not? Thanks for sharing!
    Here’s a website by listerine which is a company that is for teeth and this product is really good for teeth whitening.

  2. Jenny Eberhardt

    Thank you for sharing this! My friends and I buy whitening strips but we’re always nervous that they chemicals will catch up to us one day and we’ve tried the more natural tooth whiteners like baking soda and peroxide as well to try and be safer. I think that you’re absolutely right, as much as I love my dentist, it is absolutely a business and they would much rather prefer to take my money than have me pay much less for a little at home kit. After all, white teeth do generally convey a sign of good health that people find more attractive! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2182380/Smile-Why-white-teeth-sign-good-health-make-attractive.html

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