Does Eating Less Make You Gain Weight?

Everyday there is a new diet trend in the media, whether its munching on cotton balls to clench your hunger or substituting cabbage soup in place of all your meals. People are willing to try anything to look their best. Although diet trends do work for some people, everyones metabolisms are different so it’s hard to determine whether a diet fad will work for you or not. Aside from diet trends, I think that in general, people who are trying to loose weight eat the least they can. The question is, does eating less really make you loose weight?

In this recent article written by Jonathan Bailor, he writes that it is a complete myth that eating less will cause fat loss. Bailor argues that eating less not only slows down your metabolism completely, but also burns muscle tissue.

Bailor explains that when we deprive ourselves of food our body hangs on to body fat and burns muscle. When you’re starving and your body needs energy it holds on to body fat because body fat is stored energy. He further explains that our bodies begins to burn muscle tissue because our metabolisms are trying to savor the last bit of energy or amount of food we have left in our systems. Muscle tissue burns a ton of calories so our bodies get rid of it to savor energy.

When one stops starving themselves and begins to consume regular amounts of food, the body thinks that you are overeating because it does not have as much muscle tissue to burn calories. Overeating is what creates new body fat. In addition to gaining new body fat, “After our metabolism is starved, its number one priority is restoring all the body fat it lost and then protecting us from starving in the future. Guess how it does that? By storing additional body fat” (Bailor, Jonathan), this large build up of fat is known as, “Fat Super Accumulation”.

I think that people should rethink the feeling of accomplishment from skipping a meal, because it definitely won’t make your jeans looser.


8 thoughts on “Does Eating Less Make You Gain Weight?

  1. Analeigh Joy Crisanti

    This topic is always interesting because it is so prevalent in our culture. Everyone is so concerned with losing weight and losing it quick. But that isn’t how it happens. Losing weight takes time and people don’t realize that if they stop eating, their bodies will just begin to store fat and then they will over eat and the cycle is tedious and harmful. This was really well written and a great reminder to everyone about the importance of taking care of their bodies.

  2. Analeigh Joy Crisanti

    This topic is always interesting because it is so prevalent in our culture. Everyone is so concerned with losing weight and losing it quick. But that isn’t how it happens. Losing weight takes time and people don’t realize that if they stop eating, their bodies will just begin to store fat and then they will over eat and the cycle is tedious and harmful. This was really well written and a great reminder to everyone about the importance of taking care of their bodies.

  3. Analeigh Joy Crisanti

    This topic is always interesting because it is so prevalent in our culture. Everyone is so concerned with losing weight and losing it quick. But that isn’t how it happens. Losing weight takes time and people don’t realize that if they stop eating, their bodies will just begin to store fat and then they will over eat and the cycle is tedious and harmful. This was really well written and a great reminder to everyone about the importance of taking care of their bodies.

  4. Analeigh Joy Crisanti

    This topic is always interesting because it is so prevalent in our culture. Everyone is so concerned with losing weight and losing it quick. But that isn’t how it happens. Losing weight takes time and people don’t realize that if they stop eating, their bodies will just begin to store fat and then they will over eat and the cycle is tedious and harmful. This was really well written and a great reminder to everyone about the importance of taking care of their bodies.

  5. Analeigh Joy Crisanti

    This topic is always interesting because it is so prevalent in our culture. Everyone is so concerned with losing weight and losing it quick. But that isn’t how it happens. Losing weight takes time and people don’t realize that if they stop eating, their bodies will just begin to store fat and then they will over eat and the cycle is tedious and harmful. This was really well written and a great reminder to everyone about the importance of taking care of their bodies.

  6. Alana Marie D'agnese

    I did not know how bad skipping a meal was. I feel like when people hear the word diet they always think of eating less. But really it’s about portion control and more importantly what you eat. When they skip meals they are missing out on important nutrients. Personally I follow the “diabetic diet” because I get full easily but I have a fast metabolism so I always eat little but often. I highly recommend this diet and based on your post it seems like the healthiest choice!

  7. Daniel Joseph Depaulo

    It has always been my understanding that if you eat less calories than you burn, you will lose weight. After reading this, however, it is clear it might not be that simple. Another point with regard to this entry is I would be curious to see Jonathan Bailor’s stance on intermittent fasting. I have read many articles saying it can be very beneficial to ones health but this obviously contradicts that.

  8. Gregory Giliberti

    I think this logic is precisely why the diet many diabetes go on is so popular. For those that don’t know, the “diabetic’s diet” is when you you eat 5 to 6 times in the day, usually about 3 hours apart from each other. By eating more meals, but less in each meal, you tend not to feel hungry as much and actually promotes the speeding up of your metabolism.

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