
So since I’ve been here a constant reoccurring  question is “Why?”

Why did I come from Miami? Why is Communications my major? Why Journalism? Why not media and design? Why Penn State? and now, Why this  course?

Well for starters the truth is I am an indecisive person and indecisiveness and impulse tend to come hand and hand. I’m a strong believer that living in the moment has gotten me places much further than the times I chose to stay in the dark. Im not egging on rebellion but a little self adventure never kills.

My first time in the state of Pennsylvania was this last weekend, and for as many outraged replies and facial expressions that I got in return to that comment, I have to tell you I don’t really think you have to visit somewhere first in order to love it. For example the first people who visited lets say the Eiffel Tower in Paris sure as hell had no clue what they were in for but if they wouldn’t have taken the chance on going they would have never known the beauty or magnificent iron laced work entailed with that monument. Adventure is experience, experience is wisdom, and wisdom is power. The experience is really just what you choose to make it, error is inevitable anywhere you go considering we are human but that never defines who we are it only allows us to see that much more truth in oneself. and I mean HONESTLY how bad can a city ran by kids be, right?

Oh! and to top things off their Communications program is nationally and internationally renowned and anything relative to reading or writing is what keeps me hungry.

Now getting back to the topic because not only am I impulsive and indecisive, but also have a short attention span. The reason I chose to take this course is because Science has never been something I excel in, my mind tends not to think in numbers or straight memorization most times, which can be good and bad. I also really enjoy the way this course looks at Science, it really interests me and I cannot wait to continue to dissect Science in our world.

P.S: heres a link to my personal blog if you want to see any of my writing! 🙂

