Technology and Social Change

When it comes to asociality and antiasociality everyone is different, whether it is behind the internet or face-to-face interactions. When it comes to the internet, all users entertain and portray themselves differently. This is where asociality versus antisociality plays its parts. When it comes to asociality, people have a lack of interest to participate in social interactions or social activities. While with anti sociality is when people are unwilling or unable to associate in a normal or friendly behavior with others. Many critics would say that the internet is a place for people to hide or to get away from reality but in all the internet allows someone to feel comfortable in their own skin. Unfortunately, with these two perspectives it portrays the internet in a negative way due to the fact that with asociality and antisociality they have a negative impact on a person’s face to face interaction.

To begin with both these terms are considered unhealthy because of the lack of communication that happens but now people accuse the internet as being the reason why or is it the advancement of technology? Honestly, I feel as though it is not only the internet or the advancement of technology that causes this but its the lack of encouragement that is persuade to do more face to face interactions.

With the advancement of technology, people assume that it is the reason for poor communication skills of our generation. As a young adult, I have noticed the impact of technology on my generation because I can see how using technology differs from when my mom uses technology. What I feel is that people fail to recognize that because technology is advancing does not necessarily mean that our communication skills are lacking, it just that society is now finding new ways of communicating. For example, in my mother’s generation, communicating consist of sending letters, and talking on house phones. While in our generation we have sending emails, texting, FaceTime, video chat, or even instant messaging.

Right now the biggest technology in our generation are these Smart phones. Smart phones are allowing us to be able to accomplish and have access to about anything that is out there. One of the greatest things about my smart phone is that me and my mother enjoy Facetiming each other. FaceTime is basically a video chat on the Apple Iphones. Being able to Facetime my mother is so comforting because it feels as though she is here with me. I enjoy seeing her lovely face and being able to walk around freely video chatting with my mother. At first, my mother struggled with Facetime because she did not understand it. I thought it was funny because she used to hold the phone up to her ear, thinking that she was not gonna be able to hear and see me at the same time.

I did some research to find the positive effects of technology and came across a video I found on Youtube,

The video shows that social change has occurred and communication is involving. My favorite part about the video is that is does admit that communication has impact social change but its not in a negative way. The evolution of the Internet as just allowed more varieties now on how we communicate then they had 50 years ago.

In the video, not only did it talk about the impact of the internet but I also learned a new way that we communicate is through news. This video shows, people mostly communicate through Facebook. Usually it is in a positive way. Many would have a common interest and the communication would start from there. It took me now to realize that communication can just be a news page on Facebook. All this time, while I am just “liking” a page it is really consider communication because not only am I “liking” the page but I am showing an interest with millions of other people too. This was considered a new way of communication with out me even realizing.

Overall, the advancement of technology and the Internet is not effecting people that are considered asociality and antisociality it is just changing the way we communicate. It is not that they are becoming asociality and antisociality, the world is advancing the way we communicate and it will continue to evolve and become bigger and better. Just because face to face interaction is changing does not mean it is a negative thing, it just the world is changing the way people are communicating.

One thought on “Technology and Social Change

  1. Hyun Soo Lee

    This is a really interesting post with some keen insights into the workings of social media. I agree that while the advancement of technology and social media has its negatives, the positive effects are often overlooked. There are so many platforms with which you can communicate and impart your voice so that everyone can see what you have to say at the click of a button. The world feels smaller as a result, but that is ultimately irrelevant as we warm to the sheer number of possibilities that are available due to the connecting potential of the Internet. To maximize this potential, people should approach technology as a different and more expansive way of communicating effectively rather than just a half-baked rendition of their real-life social interactions.

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