Why Alcohol Makes Us Drunk Part 2


             Previously, I made a post explaining how alcohol affects the body, brain specifically, to make humans drunk. To summarize that post for anyone who did not read it, basically when the ethanol contained in alcohol enters a person’s blood stream, it travels throughout the body. As it passes through the brain, this is how a person begins to feel and appear drunk. Throughout the brain, there are different parts that control functions of the body. As the alcohol contaminated blood travels through it slows down the different parts it passes through. Also the more a person drinks and the faster it is consumed will slow down the brain faster. Then after the brain, the alcohol also affects other internal organs such as the liver, bladder, and stomach, but I did not go into depth with those. However, I have now decided to do further research.

Whether we learned in high school health class, or even experience, we all know people handle alcohol differently. Most men can drink more than a female, even if they are the same body size and weight. Also, some men can drink more while feeling less affected than others, usually depending on size (muscle or fat). There are also beliefs that different races can drink more alcohol, which I do not think is true, so I researched a persons’ race to alcohol too. First off, the gender and fat or muscles on a person are related to each other. As stated on this article from www.umd.edu , “Women, having a naturally higher percentage of body fat than men. Due to this, each drink is more concentrated in a woman’s blood stream.” The reason for this is more blood flows through a persons muscles than it does fat. As the blood flows through the muscles, there is a lower percentage being distributed throughout the rest of the body. Along with this, the article further stated, “A woman’s body is composed of approximately 45% to 50% water, while a man’s body is about 55% to 65% water. The lower fluid volume in women results in higher concentrations of alcohol in the bloodstream compared to men.” Due to this, even if a woman is extremely muscular and has a very low body fat percentage, it is easier for her to become drunk and feel alcohol’s effects sooner. Prior to researching this I had no idea that women contained less water in their body. I thought both genders held the same amount of fluid; it was just that most men are more muscular.

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Additionally, this is how race comes into play. Although it is believed that the Irish, for example, hold liquor better than other nationalities, it is a misconception. Just because a country is known for drinking a large amount of alcohol or a certain type does not mean the ability to retain alcohol better can be naturally in a person’s genes; for the most part. There is an exception to this belief, and it is in the Asian race. Stated by Frank Kelly Rich in this article, “A large percentage experience flushing of the skin, nausea, headache, and other uncomfortable symptoms from drinking a single alcoholic beverage. Those symptoms result primarily from inactivity of aldehyde dehydrogenase-2 (ALDH2), an enzyme involved in a key step of alcohol metabolism.” This is important because alcohol metabolism is the rate at which alcohol is diminished from the blood stream. This process determines how long drunkenness will last, so usually the quicker the better.


Based off of all of the research presented, men can hold alcohol better than women. On average they have more muscle mass to absorb alcohol and contain more fluid in his body. Also, women usually have more fat and less water in the body which is a disadvantage compared to men with “holding their alcohol.” In addition, race usually does not have an effect on how fast a person can become drunk or how much a person can drink, except for Asian people. It is all due to a person’s size, muscle mass, and if food is still in their stomach to help absorb alcohol as it enters the body.




2 thoughts on “Why Alcohol Makes Us Drunk Part 2

  1. James Joseph Burke

    This article provided a lot of key information regarding the consumption of alcohol. I suppose it is generally thought of that men can drink more than women can but I never knew the reasons behind this. I found it incredibly interesting that asian ethnicity can effect the way your body metabolizes alcohol. After further research I found that there are other factors that go into how we respond to alcohol. One of the obvious ones is the food we have eaten while, or prior to, drinking. The carbs that we eat add fat into our bodies. This delays the alcohol mixed blood from reaching our brain. Thus, the more empty your stomach is, the quicker it will hit you. I have attached the article in which gives a few more factors that impact the effects of drinking.


  2. Kristen Lauren Mckenzie

    I think your blog is interesting and important. I think that a lot of people fail to realize how crucial it is when consuming alcohol at a fast rate and how it can effect your body. What I found interesting about your blog post is how men and women have different effects based on how much alcohol they consume. I always thought that men could “handle their liquor” better then women was because men had more body mass or fat. But reading this I learned that it’s because women have less water in their bodies then men. Its crazy to even think that the 10-15% difference of water in the system could really effect the way men and women react to alcohol. Even when you said that the way you react to alcohol could have something to do with your race, I never knew that could be true either. I have learned a lot reading your blog and while reading your blog I have some questions that might make a good blog post one day.

    This article is just further information of why alcohol makes us drunk and it ties into a lot of what you were saying: http://www.drinkingandyou.com/site/us/xdrunk.htm

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